- There is a naming error in this project. why named as hilab_plot as a python package?, though as a file folder, it can be named as hilab_plot, but as a project, it should be named as an official name, like
when saved plots, fig and axes should be created in a the same plotting function routine ?[Weird].
with plt.style.context(["ieee", "latex", "ticks-inward"]):
fig, axs = initialize_figure()
alpha_deg, cx, cz = AeroDataLoaderInstance.get_data()
axs[0].plot(alpha_deg, cx)
axs[1].plot(alpha_deg, cz)
# finetuning
for ax in axs:
# set ticks points for first plot (cx)
axs[0].set_yticks([-0.04, -0.02, 0, 0.02, 0.04])
# Set minor ticks for y-axis (4 between each major tick)
major_spacing = 0.02 # Distance between major ticks
minor_spacing = major_spacing/5 # 4 minor ticks between majors
# seting x ticks lable false
# set ticks points for second plot (cz)
axs[1].set_yticks([-0.3, -0.15, 0, 0.15, 0.3])
# Set minor ticks for y-axis (4 between each major tick)
major_spacing = 0.15 # Distance between major ticks
minor_spacing = major_spacing/5 # 4 minor ticks between majors
fig.savefig(os.path.join(figures_dir, "figure-aero-lyu.pdf"), backend="pgf")
可以直接出 publication-quality 图片如下
This package is originally from scienceplots.
python examples/plot-examples.py
it will generate the figures in the examples/figures
pip install --user -e .
you may have a problem with setuptools, try to upgrade it
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools setuptools_scm
modify the original package to better support the IEEE style and my own aesthetic.
pip install -e .
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Uh! 这里需要安装 texlive-full 去获得中文支持 This coulbe be uncessary but it is safe to install it if you have enough disk space.
sudo apt install texlive-full
if you suffer that Pregenerating ConTeXt MarkIV format. This may take some time... takes forever
please check the following:
(Just entering all the time until it get unstuck)[https://askubuntu.com/questions/956006/pregenerating-context-markiv-format-this-may-take-some-time-takes-forever]
sudo apt install texlive-xetex
pip install pdf2image Pillow
(SimSun)宋体似乎是微软 office 的默认字体(专用),普通的下载方式似乎没法正常安装,或者需要去盗版网站下载,
这里采用Source Han Serif 思源宋体
作为替代。其实与微软宋体相比, 有一些不同。
curl -L https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-han-serif/releases/download/2.003R/14_SourceHanSerifCN.zip -o source-han-serif.zip
unzip source-han-serif.zip
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
cp SubsetOTF/CN/* ~/.fonts/
fc-cache -fv
Verify the installation:
fc-list | grep "Source Han Serif"
Update 本项目增加了一个 simsum.tcc, 可以直接使用微软宋体(only 学术交流). 默认的 latex-sc.mplstyle 使用的是微软宋体(SimSun).
cp simsum.tcc ~/.fonts/
fc-cache -fv
Verify the installation:
fc-list | grep "SimSun"
These other special characters are also escaped in non-math TeX, while in Matplotlib their behavior is dependent on how rcParams["text.usetex"]
(default: False) is set:
# $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { } \( \) \[ \]
似乎 latex 是根据 text font family 自动选择了 math font family.
- mathbf 与 textbf 一致 (Roman characters; not greek letters)mathrm 与 textrm 一致
- 普通的 italic math 字符又与 textit 不一样
- boldsymbol 加粗的字体依据 italic math,而与 mathbf、mathrm 不一样
- 思源宋体似乎比较适配所有需求
(Customizing Matplotlib with style sheets and rcParams)[https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/explain/customizing.html]