An Application Indicator showing cpu temperature, memory, network speed, cpu usage, public IP address and internet connection status .
Works with Unity, Xubuntu, Gnome-Shell + app-indicator extension together with any other desktop environments that support AppIndicators.
Also offers the possibility to run your own command and display its output.
##Custom scripts
Create your own scripts (for example in bash). Give the script execute permission (chmod +x scriptname)
A script must output one line of text - e.g. using "echo" in bash
The indicator can change the icon being displayed by recognising the output of a sensor "USE_ICON:full_path_to_.svg"
On Ubuntu and derivatives - manual installation
sudo apt-get install python3-psutil, curl git
git clone
cd indicator-sysmonitor
sudo make install
nohup indicator-sysmonitor &
To remove:
cd indicator-sysmonitor
sudo make uninstall
To install via PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-sysmonitor
Search in the dash for "indicator-sysmonitor" to run
- v0.8.0 - development - new sensor - cputemp, ability to use and change icons
- v0.7.1 - bug fix to allow non-ubuntu kernels to be used
- v0.7.0 - new sensors - publicip and upordown.
- v0.6.3 - fixed the bug when display multiple CPU cores it always display the later ones as 0%
- v0.6.2 - bug fix to stop crash for custom sensors
- v0.6.1 - fix the debian packaging
- v0.6 - stable release - reworked to be easier to maintain
- v0.5 - GTK3 & Python3 based including bug-fix to display errors on using Test button together with fixing crash reports when incorrect sensor values used
- v0.4.6 - bug fixes for battery indicator and for spurious overwrite when adding new sensor
- v0.4.5 - removed indicator icon since not needed
- v0.4.4 - fix dependencies and corrected shown indicator icon
- v0.4.3 - fork from original author
- 24 & 25 SteveGuo
- 19 & 37 CPU & meminfo bug fixes Jesse Johnson
Original Author: Alex Eftimie
Current fork maintainer: fossfreedom