Find the full package below
Release steps and Precautions:
It has an inbuilt miner that, your system may detect it as silent miner. So make sure you disable your Antivirus or add an exclusion for the folder.
Windows Smart Screen May appear saying
"Ah! ah! I Blocked a terrible app from destroying your system!"
but this is just a result of me not getting or buying a Windows publishing Certificate. -
Last Option will be the
file, this contains active nodes on the network that I couldn't hard code into the application.
Just copy and paste the .conf file in theC:\Users\${Your username}\AppData\Roaming\Antimony
. It's a hidden folder so just paste this in your file explorer path.
To start Mining the coin after starting the application, just open help
then debug
. Choose console
and type in this
setgenerate true
hit Enter
Boom you have started mining your own ANTYs.
To stop mining just type in the console
setgenerate false
Thats it! We just made our own Blockchain and Virtual Currency.
Don't be greedy after mining your coins.
Make sure to send me some ANTY donations at this address AQXpFQRZ49wwJJsdYuWqS3FjSNLSNmYTyB
it will be much appreciated.
Thanks Have a nice day.