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I am going to deploy a model on docker and I decided to not make an api but an artitecture in which I can use 2 docker images 1 is for mongo and other is for tensorflow model just for practice. So the artitecture is

  1. Image and request id is inserted to the mongo db which is running inside a docker container
  2. A python file which is main file of our model is continously listing for a triger of insertion when ever a request is inserted into a mongo database.
  • Main convert the base64 image to the PIL or numpy object
  • Run model predictions on the Image
  • Save results back in mongo against the same request id.

So lets get started with the artitecture

Python notebook from which we can make a request for prediction Notebook

Setup mongo Docker Container

For this you need to setup a docker ce first on your machine so that you can easily run docker thing on your machine

run this command to pull latest mongo image and for running the container at the same time

sudo docker run -d -p 27017-27019:27017-27019 --name mongodb mongo

Flags description

  • -d: detach mongo image. other wise your teminal is booked by this image and only show the mongo container outputs
  • -p: For Exposing ports
  • --name: to give a name to an image while running emm like alise
  • mongo: its the original name of our image which is pulled from docker registry and than run on our local machine

Okay now your docker container is in running state lets add some testing sample into the mongodb so that we can test with our python files.

Lets get inside the docker image with this command to insert some values

sudo docker exec -it mongodb bash

Flags description

  • exec: to execute a command on container startup (by defualt it runs a command configure in your .docker file)
  • -i: For interaction session
  • -t: opens a tty
  • mongodb: Name(alise) of our image
  • bash: It is the command to execute

Go into the mongo after getting inside the container


Okay I hope everything go goods. if you get anyerror feel free to raise an issue on github I will try to solve it as soon as possible

Lets create a datebase now

use model_requests

where model_requests is my database name.

Lets insert something into our brand new database{"request":12343, "Image":"asdfeewfdsdfe"}){"request":12342, "Image":"ok connected"})

Ok so now we have some entries in our collection lets make a query to find them


After running the query You can get some results like this

{ "_id" : ObjectId("60c4ef75dd0bb78ad0828b89"), "request" : 12343, "Image" : "asdfeewfdsdfe" }

yaaayyy we are done in setting up our mongo docker!

shhuuu thats easy

Connect Mongo Docker Container

Now lets connect our mongo database with our Notebook which is outside the container. Notebook

Model Deployment

Now lets move forward to the model deployment part. First of all we will build a docker file, then build image from that docker file and at the end we just start the docker file. So lets start.

First we have to make docker file

you can find this docker file in the repository

# I am going to pull a tensorflow image which is already uploaded to docker hub
FROM tensorflow/tensorflow

# Adding my maintainer name 

# Copying my super resolution code into the docker container
COPY  ./super_resolution ./tf_model

# Running ls just for testing
RUN ls

# Identifying my working directory
WORKDIR tf_model 

# Installing python packages
# This command will automatically ignore packages which throw error
RUN cat requirments.txt | sed -e '/^\s*#.*$/d' -e '/^\s*$/d' | xargs -n 1 pip install

# And at last this is our entry point. When-ever we execute our container this command automatically run
CMD ["python", "./"] 

Now to build this file you need a docker build command

sudo docker build -t super_res_image .

where super_res_image is the name of image. You can change name after creating an image also by this command

sudo docker image tag cc8fc3b5be6b sohaibanwaar/tfmodel:latest

if all the things going good then

lets start the container

docker container run -d super_res_image

Now you Model is deployed on a docker container yaaayyy.


Now you have to just store an image and a request id to mongo db.

  • Image insertion to the mongo db container
  • super-res (tf container) is listining to the mongodb when-ever a request is inserted to the mongodb our super-res will automatically call model predictions on it.
  • Super_res model will store the result back to the mongo db which we can get from the notebook again.

Testing Notebook Notebook


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