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Setup Launch YAML File

Kai Weng (Catherine) Wong edited this page Mar 8, 2018 · 15 revisions

By writing a setup launch YAML file (e.g.: setup_launch_simple.yaml), it allows you to automatically generate all the necessary launch files to start running an example. Here is an example YAML file

For the fields in the file:

  • slugsin_file : directory+filename of a LTL slugs file.
  • region_file : directory+filename of a LTLMoP region file (only the JSON part). Put None if there is no region file.
  • destination_folder: directory to save all the launch files generated.
  • example_name : name of your example
  • yaml_file : YAML file directory+filename that defines ROS files corresponding to each proposition. See
  • LTLMoP_src_dir : directory to LTLMoP
  • controller_executor_dir : directory to the controller_executor folder in LTL_stack
  • init_region : if there is a region file above, then you can specify the region that the robot starts in here. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • rot : rotation of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • scale : scaling of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • x_trans : x translation of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • y_trans : y translation of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.

How do you generate another example easily

With this YAML file, you can automatically generate all the launch files with the following command:

rosrun controller_executor [yaml_file_dir/yaml_file_name]