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Setup Launch YAML File

Kai Weng (Catherine) Wong edited this page Mar 31, 2018 · 15 revisions

By writing a setup launch YAML file (e.g.: setup_launch_simple.yaml), you can automatically generate all the necessary launch files to start running an example. Here is an example YAML file

For the fields in the file:

  • slugsin_file : directory+filename of a LTL slugs file.
  • region_file : directory+filename of a LTLMoP region file (only the JSON part). Put None if there is no region file.
  • destination_folder: directory to save all the launch files generated.
  • example_name : name of your example
  • yaml_file : YAML file directory+filename that defines ROS files corresponding to each proposition. See
  • LTLMoP_src_dir : directory to LTLMoP (Not needed if you are not using region files. Put an empty string '' there.)
  • controller_executor_dir : directory to the controller_executor folder in LTL_stack
  • init_region : if there is a region file above, then you can specify the region that the robot starts in here. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • rot : rotation of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • scale : scaling of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • x_trans : x translation of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.
  • y_trans : y translation of the region coordinates. This entry is ignored if there is no region file.