This repository contains my solutions for the LeetCode coding challenges. Each solution includes the problem statement and the corresponding code in Java.
To get started, simply clone the repository to your local machine
Problem Number | Problem Name | Level | Language |
1 | Two Sum | Easy | Java |
2 | Add Two Numbers | Medium | Java |
3 | Longest Substing Without Repeating Characters | Medium | Java |
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Hard | Java |
5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Medium | Java |
6 | Zigzag Conversion | Medium | Java |
7 | Reverse Integer | Medium | Java |
9 | Palindrome Number | Easy | Java |
10 | Regular Expression Matching | Hard | Java |
11 | Container With Most Water | Medium | Java |
13 | Roman to Integer | Easy | Java |
14 | Longest Common Prefix | Easy | Java |
19 | Remove Nth Node From End of List | Medium | Java |
20 | Valid Parentheses | Easy | Java |
21 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Easy | Java |
26 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | Easy | Java |
27 | Remove Element | Easy | Java |
28 | Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String | Easy | Java |
34 | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | Medium | Java |
35 | Search Insert Position | Easy | Java |
53 | Maximum Subarray | Medium | Java |
58 | Length of Last Word | Easy | Java |
69 | Sqrt(x) | Easy | Java |
70 | Climbing Stairs | Easy | Java |
125 | Valid Palindrome | Easy | Java |
167 | Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted | Medium | Java |
189 | Rotate Array | Medium | Java |
217 | Contains Duplicate | Easy | Java |
229 | Majority Element II | Medium | Java |
278 | First Bad Version | Easy | Java |
283 | Move Zeros | Easy | Java |
341 | Flatten Nested List Iterator | Medium | Java |
344 | Reverse String | Easy | Java |
438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | Medium | Java |
458 | Poor Pigs | Hard | Java |
502 | IPO | Hard | Java |
557 | Reverse Words in a String III | Easy | Java |
567 | Permutation in String | Medium | Java |
704 | Binary Search | Easy | Java |
706 | Design HashMap | Easy | Java |
746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Easy | Java |
844 | Backspace String Compare | Medium | Java |
876 | Middle of the Linked List | Easy | Java |
904 | Fruit Into Baskets | Medium | Java |
921 | Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid | Medium | Java |
953 | Verifying an Alien Dictionary | Easy | Java |
962 | Maximum Width Ramp | Medium | Java |
977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | Easy | Java |
1071 | Greatest Common Divisor of Strings | Easy | Java |
1122 | Relative Sort Array | Easy | Java |
1269 | Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place | Hard | Java |
1331 | Rank Transform of an Array | Medium | Java |
1361 | Validate Binary Tree Nodes | Medium | Java |
1405 | Longest Happy String | Medium | Java |
1420 | Build Array Where You Can Find The Maximum Exactly K Comparisons | Hard | Java |
1425 | Constrained Subsequence Sum | Hard | Java |
1458 | Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences | Hard | Java |
1470 | Shuffle the Array | Easy | Java |
1497 | Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k | Medium | Java |
1590 | Make Sum Divisible by P | Medium | Java |
1793 | Maximum Score of a Good Subarray | Hard | Java |
1813 | Sentence Similarity III | Medium | Java |
1963 | Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced | Medium | Java |
2009 | Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous | Hard | Java |
2050 | Parallel Courses III | Hard | Java |
2051 | Number of Flowers in Full Bloom | Hard | Java |
2262 | Total Appeal of A String | Hard | Java |
2406 | Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups | Medium | Java |
2530 | Maximal Score After Applying K Operations | Medium | Java |
2696 | Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings | Easy | Java |
If you find any errors or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open a pull request or issue on the repository. I am always looking for ways to improve my solutions.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.