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Build & Publish Release Docker Image Build & Publish Release Dev Image Code Activity Dev Code Activity



The bot is in the first place, a bot that interfaces discord and the anilist api, letting users get different information from it. There are also multiple secondary modules that will be added when I have ideas or want to test things.

How to use

1. Add the bot to your server

you can add my instance of the bot with this link

2. Self-host your instance

tested on:

linux: ubuntu 22.04.2 x86-64

Requirement: libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev ca-certificates pkg-config protobuf-compiler

windows: rust but not anything else atm

Requirement: cmake youtube-dl


  • Install docker and docker compose.
  • Clone this repo.
git clone
  • edit compose-default.yml file and add your discord bot token and edit the other env var. (not sure if it works or needs to be renamed to compose.yml or docker-compose.yml)
  • run docker compose.
docker compose up -d
docker compose up -d --pull always

or you can build from the latest commit.

or Rust

  • Install rust.
  • Clone this repo.
git clone
  • edit .env-default file and add your discord bot token and rename it to .env.
  • run cargo.
cargo run --release
cargo build --release

You can if you want use a postgres database and not a sqlite one the user will need to be able to create a database (cache and data). Create table inside both database and select, insert, delete on them.


I know how to code in rust

Then please check the todo and follow to add feature if the todo is complete, or you want to do something else, you can do it and open a pr afterward.

I don’t know how to code in rust but still want to contribute

  1. You can add a new language by adding a translation in the file located in json and adding it to the choices in json/command/lang.json
  2. Contribute to this guide by making it clearer on how to use/ how it works.
  3. Or by opening an issue with enhancement or new feature you want to see.
  4. Or by contributing to the website for the bot.

Please note that for embed you will need to use the country code. Please also add the country code to the constant LANG_MAP in src/ and add the langage in full name with it.

for the command json please follow the example, the "code" field should respect discord locale



Check the todo file.


for those of you who prefer web dev.


