This is the code for the paper Sampling Methods for Inner Product Sketching published at VLDB 2024. We suggest users read the paper to better understand the experiments before using the code.
The extended version of the paper (with appendices) is available at:
For citations, please use:
Majid Daliri, Juliana Freire, Christopher Musco, Aécio Santos, and Haoxiang Zhang. Sampling Methods for Inner Product Sketching. PVLDB, 17(9): 2185 - 2197, 2024. doi:10.14778/3665844.3665850
This README file is divided into the following sections:
The paper experiments were run using Python 3.9.9
with the following required packages. They are also listed in the requirements.txt
- matplotlib==3.7.2
- numba==0.57.1
- numpy==1.24.4
- pandas==2.0.3
- scipy==1.11.1
- statsmodels==0.14.0
- sklearn==1.4.1
The instructions assume a Unix-like operating system (Linux or MacOS). You may need to adjust the steps for machines running Windows.
To isolate dependencies and avoid library conflicts with your local environment, you may want to use a Python virtual environment manager. To do so, you should run the following commands to create and activate the virtual environment:
python -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
You can install the dependencies using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
source .bashrc
To verify that this worked, you can run echo $PROJECT_PATH
and confirm that the output points to the directory where the repositoy was downloaded.
🔥 3.1 Make sure you have done the Setup.
🔥 3.3 Following are instructions to reproduce the experiments needed for each figure in the paper. Each subsection below describes the following points:
- explanation of the experiment
- command to run the experiment
- expected time to run the experiment based on the machine used to run the experiments:
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019)
2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
- Command:
python -mode=ip
- Expected time:
- 3.5 hours per plot
- 14 hours for all 4 plots in Figure 3
☁️ Figure 4: Inner product estimation for synthetic binary data. This can be applied to problems like join size estimation for tables with unique keys and set intersection estimation.
- Command:
python -mode=join_size
- Expected time:
- 1.8 hours per plot
- 7.2 hours for all 4 plots in Figure 4
☁️ Figure 5: Comparison of End-Biased Sampling (TS-1norm) and its Priority Sampling counterpart (PS-1norm) against our TS-weighted and PS-weighted methods
- Command:
python -mode=1normVS2norm
- Expected time:
- 16min per plot
- 64min for all 4 plots in Figure 5
- Command:
python -mode=corr
- Expected time:
- 7 hours per plot
- 28 hours for all 4 plots in Figure 6
☁️ Figure 7: Sketch construction time. Based on the equipment used to run the experiments, you may not be able to reproduce the exact time. However, you can still see a similar trend in the time taken by each method.
- Command:
python -mode=time
- Expected time:
- 3.5 hours for the plot
Note that for following real data experiments, depending on the seed and samples, the results may vary slightly. However, the trend will be similar.
☁️ Figure 8 and Table 2: Inner product, correlation, and join size estimations for the World Bank data,
- Command:
python -mode=wbf
- Expected time:
- 6 hours for the figure and CSVs
- Command:
python -mode=20news
- Expected time:
- 2 hours
- Skewed TPC-H dataset
- Command:
python -mode=tpch
- Expected time:
- 2 hours
- Command:
- Twitter dataset
- Command:
python -mode=twitter
- Expected time:
- 8 hours
- Command:
The figures are generated in PDF format under the directory /fig