We welcome you to our project where you can contribute to the project by using Collection Classes and Interfaces of our very favorite computer language JAVA. This project is simple and easy so that we can help those who are contributing for the first time. Hence, this project also serves as an experience for 'First Time Contributors'
Student Code-in is a global program that helps students grow with “OPEN SOURCE”. It is a 2 months long Open-Source initiative which provides you the best platform to improve your skills and abilities by contributing to vast variety of OPEN SOURCE Projects. In this,all the registered participants would get an exquisite opportunity to interact with the mentors and the Organizing Team.
The project is like your very own repository where you can add programs and code related to the different collection classes & collection interfaces defined in JAVA. The contributor has to send in code files by applying and using different java collection classes and interfaces methods as per the list mentioned below.
We will then be reviewing and adding your code files under the respective method headings.
List Interface
- void add(int index, E element)
- boolean add(E e)
- boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)
- boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c)
- void clear()
- boolean equals(Object o)
- int hashcode()
- E get(int index)
- boolean isEmpty()
- int lastIndexOf(Object o)
- Object[]toArray()
- T[] toArray(T[] a)
- boolean contains(Object o)
- boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
- int indexOf(Object o)
- E remove(int index)
- boolean remove(Object o)
- boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
- void replaceAll(UnaryOperator operator)
- void retainAll(Collection<?> c)
- E set(int index, E element)
- void sort(Comparator<? super E> c)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
- int size()
Queue Interface
Deque Interface
Set Interface
Map Interface
- put(K, V)
- putAll()
- putIfAbsent(K, V)
- get(K)
- getOrDefault(K, defaultValue)
- containsKey(K)
- containsValue(V)
- replace(K, V)
- replace(K, oldValue, newValue)
- remove(K)
- remove(K, V)
- keySet()
- values()
- entrySet()
SortedSet Interface
- comparator()
- first()
- last()
- headSet(element)
- tailSet(element)
- subSet(element1, element2)
NavigableSet Interface
- descendingSet()
- descendingIterator()
- ceiling()
- floor()
- higher()
- lower()
- pollFirst()
- pollLast()
ArrayList Class
- boolean add(E e)
- void add(int index, E element)
- boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c)
- boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c)
- void clear()
- Object clone()
- boolean contains(Object o)
- void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)
- E get(int index)
- int indexOf(Object o)
- boolean isEmpty()
- int lastIndexOf(Object o)
- E remove(int index)
- boolean remove(Object o)
- protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
- E set(int index, E element)
- int size()
- Object[] toArray()
- T[] toArray(T[] a)
- void trimToSize()
Vector Class
- void add(int index, Object element)
- boolean add(Object o)
- boolean addAll(Collection c)
- boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
- void addElement(Object obj)
- int capacity()
- void clear()
- Object clone()
- boolean contains(Object elem)
- boolean containsAll(Collection c)
- void copyInto(Object[] anArray)
- Object elementAt(int index)
- Enumeration elements()
- void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity)
- boolean equals(Object o)
- Object firstElement()
- Object get(int index)
- int hashCode()
- int indexOf(Object elem)
- int indexOf(Object elem, int index)
- void insertElementAt(Object obj, int index)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Object lastElement()
- int lastIndexOf(Object elem)
- int lastIndexOf(Object elem, int index)
- Object remove(int index)
- boolean remove(Object o)
- boolean removeAll(Collection c)
- void removeAllElements()
- boolean removeElement(Object obj)
- void removeElementAt(int index)
- protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
- boolean retainAll(Collection c)
- Object set(int index, Object element)
- void setElementAt(Object obj, int index)
- void setSize(int newSize)
- int size()
- List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
- Object[] toArray()
- Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
- String toString()
- void trimToSize()
Linkedlist Class
- void add(int index, Object element)
- boolean add(Object o)
- boolean addAll(Collection c)
- boolean addAll(int index, Collection c)
- void addFirst(Object o)
- void addLast(Object o)
- void clear()
- Object clone()
- boolean contains(Object o)
- Object get(int index)
- Object getFirst()
- Object getLast()
- int indexOf(Object o)
- int lastIndexOf(Object o)
- ListIterator listIterator(int index)
- Object remove(int index)
- boolean remove(Object o)
- Object removeFirst()
- Object removeLast()
- Object set(int index, Object element)
- int size()
- Object[] toArray()
- Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
PriorityQueue Class
- boolean add(E e)
- void clear()
- Comparator<? super E> comparator()
- boolean contains(Object o)
- Iterator iterator()
- boolean offer(E e)
- E peek()
- E poll()
- boolean remove(Object o)
- int size()
- Object[] toArray()
- T[] toArray(T[] a)
ArrayDeque Class
- boolean add(E e)
- void addFirst(E e)
- void addLast(E e)
- void clear()
- ArrayDeque clone()
- boolean contains(Object o)
- Iterator descendingIterator()
- E element()
- E getFirst()
- E getLast()
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator()
- boolean offer(E e)
- boolean offerFirst(E e)
- boolean offerLast(E e)
- E peek()
- E peekFirst()
- E peekLast()
- E poll()
- E pollFirst()
- E pollLast()
- E pop()
- void push(E e)
- E remove()
- boolean remove(Object o)
- E removeFirst()
- boolean removeFirstOccurrence(Object o)
- E removeLast()
- boolean removeLastOccurrence(Object o)
- int size()
- object[] toArray()
HashSet Class
- boolean add(Object o)
- void clear()
- Object clone()
- boolean contains(Object o)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Iterator iterator() -boolean remove(Object o)
- int size()
LinkedHashSet Class
- boolean add(E e)
- void clear()
- boolean contains(Object o)
- boolean isEmpty()
- int size()
- Iterator iterator()
- boolean remove(Object o)
- boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
- Object clone()
- Spliterator spliterator()
HashMap Class
- void clear()
- Object clone()
- boolean containsKey(Object key)
- boolean containsValue(Object value)
- Set entrySet()
- Object get(Object key)
- boolean isEmpty()
- Set keySet()
- Object put(Object key, Object value)
- putAll(Map m)
- Object remove(Object key)
- int size()
- Collection values()
TreeMap Class
- void clear()
- Object clone()
- Comparator comparator()
- boolean containsKey(Object key)
- boolean containsValue(Object value)
- Set entrySet()
- Object firstKey()
- Object get(Object key)
- SortedMap headMap(Object toKey)
- Set keySet()
- Object lastKey()
- Object put(Object key, Object value)
- void putAll(Map map)
- Object remove(Object key)
- int size()
- SortedMap subMap(Object fromKey, Object toKey)
- SortedMap tailMap(Object fromKey)
- Collection values()
Kindly read the CONTRIBUTE.md file first to know some basic git commands and the proper way to create issue and send pull requests.
To make things easy for all of us we are as of now having only one branch that is the master branch hence you need to make pull request to the master branch only.
'With good code practices come efficiency' hence we would like you to follow some code practices -
- Try making single commit per pull request,
- Try using decent commit messages by following the COMMITSTYLE convention.
Please help us follow the best practices to make it easy for the reviewer as well as the contributor.
The best and the only way to join the project is by opening an issue or solving an existing issue by sending a pull request.
If you would like to work on an issue, drop in a comment at the issue. If it is already assigned to someone, but there is no sign of any work being done, please free to drop in a comment so that the issue can be assigned to you if the previous assignee has dropped it entirely.
If you have any doubts regarding the projects or need help kindly write to us or join on the following links.
- Email ID -vbsquad@gmail.com
- Discord Group-
- Slack Group-
Before you join the development, please run and test the code developed by you on your local machine by keeping in all the checks and compiling it properly. Check the code completely and then create a pull request.
We want that all the coders must follow some decency while working on this project that a proper online code of conduct must be followed. The only restriction we impose is that your action or words must not hurt others. At the end of the day we all are forging ahead to accomplish a unanimous goal that is to help contribute to open source.
In the future we are planning to launch this project by deploying this project into an app and website as well so that it accessible to a major audience.