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<title>Black Pits in BGEE</title>

Taking you to the Black Pits within the BG1 campaign in BGEE, SoD, and EET

Author: Duns Scotus, the SubtleDoctor

Version 1.2
Languages: English, French
Platforms: Windows, Mac OS X


This mod adds a new encounter with Baeloth to the BG1 campaign. He intends to abduct you and take you to the Black Pits. You can choose in dialogue whether you want to go there, but either offering to fight (in a sense), or intimidating Baeloth so he backs off.

This cut scene occurs at the beginning of chapter 7, after you escape Candlekeep. The early BP fights are easy but the later ones are designed for parties around 8th-10th level. Hopefully you should be at least 7th level before going there.

Note: because going to the Black Pits changes Baeloth into a significant adversary, Baeloth cannot join your party after you finish the Black Pits adventure. He will disappear from the BG1 campaign, and he will be blocked from joining Charname in SoD if you continue into that campaign in EET.

This mod does not change the Black Pits standalone campaign, if you start it directly with a custom-made party. But if you travel there from within the BG campaign, there will be some changes:

  • There will be no Quest XP awarded between fights.
  • (You will still gain XP from defeating enemies, though.)
  • The gold rewards from winning fights is substantially reduced. (About 1/4.)
  • The BP vendors will not sell as many copies of most items.
  • The BP vendors will have some items removed from their stores.
  • However, there will be a bunch of new items added to their third-tier stores, mostly moderately-powered stuff from Icewind Dale.
  • If you go to the Black Pits this way, you do NOT end up with geas rings on. This means party members can die in the arena! There are five Raise Dead scrolls for sale by Dinguer the Mad, but you should be careful! Also, if anyone dies in a fight, even if you can Raise them afterward, don't forget to grab their equipment from the arena!


The mod archive should be extracted into your game folder from the archive (or just unzipped and then copied there). If properly extracted, you should have a "d5_random_tweaks" folder and "setup-Bp_in_BG.exe" in your game folder. To install, simply double-click "setup-Bp_in_BG.exe" and then follow the instructions on screen.

This mod is not packaged with a particular MacOS installer. The easiest way to install it is to place the mod folder into your game directory and then use the Weidu Launcher (MWL). Simply double-click the MWL, choose "Bp_in_BG" from the list, and then follow the instructions on the screen.


This mod should be installed VERY early since it (currently) overwrites several dialogue files: Baeloth's dialogues in BGEE and Sod, and the BP shop vendors' dialogues. It should be installed after EET if you are installing this in an EET game. In that case probably best to install it immediately after EET.

Contact Information

This mod was created by SubtleDoctor. You can visit The Gibberlings Three for information on this and many other fine mods.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to the still active and vibrant Infinity Engine modding community.

Tools Used in Creation
WeiDU by Wes Weimer, and then the bigg and then Wisp
Near Infinity by Jon Olav Hauglid, and then Argent77 and Astrobryguy
IESDP maintained by igi

Credits and Copyright Information

Copyright 2022. If you want to use or adapt any part of this mod in another mod or similar endeavor, please try to contact me at to discuss it. As a general rule, I have no problem with that as long as you credit the source of the work. If you cannot get in touch with me, assume that you have my permission to use any of this code for any project that is non-commercial, offered for free, and intended for the greater enjoyment of players of Infinity Engine games. If you do so, please credit me, and mention how awesome I am in a comment in the code, or something like that. You may NOT use this code for any profit-making or commercial venture, without express permission from me.