Releases: UURAGE/ScenarioEditor
Releases · UURAGE/ScenarioEditor
Scenario Editor 5.8.0
- Fixed (selectable) selection of extra elements
- Implemented dragging of multiple trees
- Limited canvas-related actions to the canvas
- Made tree and node addition repeatable
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 5.7.1
- Changed subject divs to flex layout to fix Chromebook alignment
- Allowed scrolling in print pop-up
- Fixed anchor position for considered pasting
- Amended fix for black select options to prevent double click in Firefox
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 5.7.0
- Moved type definition icons into icons.svg
- Fixed rendering issue where select options appear black in Chrome
- Changed cachebuster URL parameter name from t to c
- Added setting to control cachebuster
- Increased stylelint strictness
- Refactored "tab dock"
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 5.6.2
- Put evaluation or parameter name in dialog title for type definition
- Fixed a translation issue
- Fixed printing in (some versions or variants of) Chrome
- Added ESLint rule to forbid the use of the identifier jQuery
- Added ESLint rule to forbid the use of jQuery's .ready()
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 5.6.1
- Improved opening color picker on right-click location
- Removed elements obsoleted by change (of main layout) to flexbox
- Changed layout of trees to flexbox
Scenario Editor 5.6.0
- Removed the color picker from the minimap
- Increased ESLint strictness
- Added gulp task for building without watching
- Replaced inappropriate use of base_url with site_url
- Switched from JS to JSON for injected globals
- Refactored printScenario to avoid the use of inline scripts
- Removed level property of trees
- Relaxed validation rules related to start nodes
- Relaxed validation rules related to children of special nodes
- Recategorised some end node validation errors as warnings
Scenario Editor 5.5.1
- Fixed selecting nodes after pasting
- Closed color picker when not clicking on it
- Opened color picker at right click location
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 5.5.0
- Fixed node positions when pasting multiple nodes
- Fixed parameter type change handling for score expressions
- Fixed parameter type change handling for reference expressions
- Switched from JSHint to ESLint
- Fixed various dragging issues by scrolling into view the clicked node
- Added autoprefixer for sass
- Added stylelint
- Converted styles to comply with stylelint
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 5.4.1
- Upgraded i18next to 17.0.7
- Improved drag performance
- Improved node drag scroll behaviour
Scenario Editor 5.4.0
- Replaced subject header in sidebar