Releases: UURAGE/ScenarioEditor
Releases · UURAGE/ScenarioEditor
Scenario Editor 7.4.0
- Implemented divide expressions
- Implemented profile score expressions
Scenario Editor 7.3.0
- Switched to ES2021
- Applied some ES6 and ES2020 (and jQuery) features
- Fixed handling of effect lists that simplify to null in element list
- Fixed summariseEffects for integer parameters
- Added operator and value badge to parameter effect node highlight
- Fixed type change handling for reference expressions
Scenario Editor 7.2.0
- Updated copyright
- Fixed English translations for copy and cut
- Fixed Dutch translations for ancestors and descendants
- Added fixed parameters and fixed parameter effects to element list
Scenario Editor 7.1.0
- Implemented sibling node button
- Adjusted borders and gaps
Scenario Editor 7.0.0
- Increased distance between parent and child node for create child
- Improved placing additional child nodes next to other child nodes
- Upgraded CodeIgniter to 4.4.3
- Upgraded jQuery UI to 1.13.2
- Upgraded jQuery to 3.7.1
Scenario Editor 6.4.2
- Improved UX for adding enumeration parameters
- Introduced no-empty-function ESLint rule
- Improved positioning of markdown tooltip for inputs
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 6.4.1
- Made tab dock resizable
- Improved overflow of draft section
Scenario Editor 6.4.0
- Added "all" option to parameter select in element list
- Implemented snap to grid
- Added hotkey for highlighting node descendants
- Added hotkey hints to ribbon buttons and menu labels
- Improved checkbox alignment in metadata dialog
- Improved use of screen space in sidebar
- Updated development dependencies
Scenario Editor 6.3.0
- Improved formatting in editor markdown tooltip
- Implemented applying color to multiple selected connections
- Applied some ES6 features
- Refactored updating node graphics
- Fixed pasting fixed parameters
- Changed font for controls
- Updated development dependencies
- Fixed and improved Config.hasParameterWithType
- Limited width of nodes with long words
Scenario Editor 6.2.3
- Improved Load.prepareRebuild
- Removed superfluous argument
- Updated README
- Updated development dependencies
- Switched from i18next-sprintf-postprocessor to i18next interpolation
- Upgraded i18next to 21.8.9