- 👋 Hi, I’m @UTC1992
I have been worked as Full Stack developer for about 7+ years with experience in web and mobile development. I am interested in constantly learning and generating solutions that help people or companies to solve problems and streamline processes, I work with technologies such as ReactJS, ReactNative, Next JS, Nest JS, NodeJS, MySql, Android Kotlin among others.
I am currently working on the create of a platform in order to know the skills necessary that employers are searching actually among other things, with technologies such as ReactJS, Material UI, Node Js, Graphql, Apollo, we hope to soon have a Minimum Viable Product.
I would like to participate in projects at an international level, and get involved in their growth and evolution, looking forward to learn more about their structure.
I am passionate about sports as it keeps me healthy and ready to interact with this technology-filled world in which I operate.
- 📫 How to reach me by email omar.guanoluisa25@gmail.com
- This is my profile in linkdin Omar Guanoluisa