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Triage and Label Workflow

Bryan Pan edited this page Aug 9, 2020 · 1 revision

We have 19 labels within the sunshine repository. These labels help us organize and prioritize the most important tasks to accomplish.

The following workflow is how you can label/categorize issues and pull requests.

When triaging an issue, make sure to go top-down:

  • Categorical: what category does this issue fall under?
  • Context: what stage of development is this issue?
  • Priority: how important is this issue?
  • Effort: how much work will this issue take to resolve?

Categorical Labels

  • bug: bugs are unexpected behaviors within the code-base: anything from incorrect styling, functionality, or hosting.
  • feature: features are enhancements to the existing implementation; these require a use case and a design.
  • chore: chores are the boring stuff like docs, refactoring, and everything else.
  • tracking: tracking issues are ones that follow a subject or multiple issues and act like a centralized place for discussion.

Context Labels

  • in-progress: tag issues with in-progress and assign to yourself when you begin beep booping.
  • needs-design: tag issues with needs-design when a feature/bug needs a visual reference in order to proceed.
  • guidance: tag issues with guidance and @ucla-creative-labs/tech to get support from our tech team.

Priority Labels

  • needs-triage: indicates a need to determine the priority/effort of an issue
  • p0: these issues need to be handled immediately; drop everything to fix this bug
  • p1: these issues need to be done relatively soon; within the next week
  • p2: these issues could be put on the back burner but should be done within a month
  • p3: not necessary for GA but something to consider in the backlog.

Effort Labels

  • good first issue: work items are good for first time contributors to tackle; add a description of what the change might look like to help new contributors
  • effort/small: work items that require around one to two nights of work; ~2-4 hours
  • effort/medium: work items that require around a week's worth of work; ~14 hours
  • effort/large: work items that require over a week's worth of work; > 14 hours

Mergify/PR Labels

  • pr/do-not-merge: signals Mergify not to merge a PR despite approval; use it when you need another set of eyes to approve a change
  • pr/work-in-progress: signals Mergify not to merge a PR despite approval; use it when you want to publish code for feedback and want to prevent accidentally approval leading to automatic merge
  • pr/no-squash: signals Mergify, not to squash the commits of this pull request
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