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Installation Guide

Tom Orth edited this page Aug 9, 2020 · 3 revisions

General Installation

This assumes that you have installed Ruby 2.7.0, Rails, Postgres, NodeJS and Yarn This application has been tested on a Linux environment so currently is the only known one that the server can be run on. For ruby, rails and postgres, please follow this:

For nodejs, follow the appropriate guide for your OS:

For yarn:

  1. Clone the repository by performing: git clone
  2. cd Open-Learning-Platform/src
  3. Run: bundle install and yarn install a. If bundler is not installed, please run: gem install bundler -v 2.1.4, and then repeat the above
  4. Run the following commands to properly setup the database a. rake db:create b. rake db:migrate:reset c. rake db:migrate d. rake db:seed
  5. Run the command: rails s
  6. Now go to Google Chrome (Browser this application has been tested in), and go to localhost:3000
  7. You are now able to access the application
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