Tinker Board Debian OS V2.1.11
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Tinker Board Debian OS V2.1.11
TinkerOS default username is "linaro", password is "linaro"
Release Notes:
- Fix the issue that touch may not work when using SD to boot
- Rollback and hold Chromium at chromium_63.0.3239.84-1_deb9u1_armhf.deb since the newer version cannot play HTML5 video
- HDMI: Fix the blank screen issue for Acer KG221Q display
- Change the GPU maximal frequency to 600Mhz
- Fix the memory leak for GStreamer.
2d19a90d17dd5b1309ebb333121bb353aad6db421c6a6582dcd5e9c78e5fe0c8 (zip)