TinkerOS_Debian v2.0.3-beta
11 commits
to linux4.4-rk3288
since this release
TinkerOS_Debian V2.0.3 (Beta version)
TinkerOS default username is “linaro”, password is “linaro”
Release Notes
- Add CLI and GUI's Configuration Tools (BETA). (CLI: tinker-config & GUI: Preferences > Tinker Board Configuration)
- Fixed DSI failed to bring up. (for v2.0.1)
- Let USB audio card would not break the PulseAudio's some setting.
- Enable UART4.
- Add a node to provide the board's information at "/proc/board_info". (e.g. Tinker Board)
- Add more hardware interface config (SPI0/UART2/UART3/UART4/PCM) setting at hw_intf.conf.
- Fixed some OV5647 model cant enable.
- Fix USB handle NAK for IN OUT SSPLIT CSPLIT transfer. (GitHub debian_kernel#3)
- Fixed lxsession some functions (Logout / Switch User) not work.
- Update QT5, GStreamer, xserver packages.
- Support USB-AC56 (RTL8812AU), USB-AC68 (RTL8814AU).
- Modify DTS overlay folder name & add prefix/postfix for overlay file(s).
- Support more Audio DAC HAT. (e.g. HiFiBerry DAC+ Light, HiFiBerry DAC+ Standard (RCA), HiFiBerry AMP+, IQAudio Pi-DAC+, IQAudio Pi-DAC Pro, IQAudio Pi-DigiAMP+)
- Add a 100MB Swap Space for system.
- Support use lshw to show the board's informations.
- HDMI: Let system try to use some default resolutions (e.g. 1080P) to fix sometime cant detection with right resolutions.
- Enable PPS GPIO.
- Change default hostname to "tinkerboard". (can find the device with tinkerboard.local at local network)
- [SECURITY-PATCH] Bluetooth: Properly check L2CAP config option output buffer length.
- Fixed x window screen blank after system's time update.
- Auto detects the rootfs path.
- Enable Docker support.
- Use systemd-timesyncd to replace the ntp, let time sync more quickly.
- Fixed tty1 can't login's error.
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