A proof of concept and sample implementation of a logging service
The three projects in this solution demonstrate one possible way of defining and implementing a logging service, such that users of the service don't necessarily need to take a dependency on any log provider.
This particular approach uses the Builder Pattern which gives a fluent interface to the logging service.
This has been modeled closely on the NLog.Fluent
namespace and works rather well in practice.
The result is a pair of pretty minimal interfaces that leave the implementation details wide open,
so it is fairly easy to build adapters for various logging engines.
The example implementation here builds an NLog adapter.
In the context of, say, the ASCOM Platform, then the service interfaces would go in the platform itself (Ascom.Utilities.Logging
The TA.LoggingService.NLog
project shows how a ready-made implementation can be made and shipped in its own NuGet package.
This one is an NLog adapter.
The TA.ApplicationExample.Console
project shows how the end user would actually consume the service and NLog adapter
and uses dependency injection with Ninject.
Please see the ReadMe.md
file within each project for more information.