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v1.1.0 (#47)
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* OpenScaling example adaption

* FMU2 constructor for Flux

* snapshot corrections

* added `tspan` keyword for plot

* updated version

* formatting...


Co-authored-by: Tobias Thummerer <>
  • Loading branch information
ThummeTo and Tobias Thummerer authored Feb 11, 2025
1 parent 5c7192f commit 7c67e17
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Showing 8 changed files with 130 additions and 33 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "FMIBase"
uuid = "900ee838-d029-460e-b485-d98a826ceef2"
authors = ["TT <>", "LM <>"]
version = "1.0.10"
version = "1.1.0"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ ReverseDiffExt = ["ReverseDiff"]

CSV = "0.10"
ChainRulesCore = "1.20 - 1.24"
ChainRulesCore = "1.20"
DataFrames = "1"
DiffEqCallbacks = "2.0 - 3.9"
EzXML = "1.1 - 1.2"
DiffEqCallbacks = "2.0, 3.0, 4.0"
EzXML = "1.1"
FMICore = "1.0"
MAT = "0.10"
JLD2 = "0.4"
ForwardDiff = "0.10"
MAT = "0.10.0"
JLD2 = "0.4.0, 0.5.0"
ForwardDiff = "0.10.0"
PackageExtensionCompat = "1.0.0"
Plots = "1"
ProgressMeter = "1.7"
Reexport = "1.0 - 1.2"
Reexport = "1.0"
Requires = "1.3.0"
ReverseDiff = "1"
SciMLBase = "1.0, 2.0" # v1 is required to keep Julia 1.6.7 (LTS) running!
Expand Down
86 changes: 74 additions & 12 deletions ext/PlotsExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,16 +9,31 @@ using FMIBase, Plots
import FMIBase: unsense

Plots.plot(solution::FMUSolution; plotkwargs...)
states::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing,
values::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing,
stateEvents::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing,
timeEvents::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing,
Plots the `solution` of a FMU simulation and returns the corresponding figure.
(requires package Plots.jl)
Plots the `solution` of a FMU simulation and returns a new figure.
# Arguments
- `fig::Plots.Plot`: Figure to plot into
- `solution::FMUSolution`: Struct containing information about the solution values, success, states and events of a specific FMU simulation.
# Keywords
- `plotkwargs...`: Arguments, that are passed on to Plots.plot!
- `states::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing`: controls if states should be plotted (default = nothing: plot states from `solution`, if they exist)
- `values::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing`: controls if values should be plotted (default = nothing: plot values from `solution`, if they exist)
- `stateEvents::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing`: controls if stateEvents should be plotted (default = nothing: plot stateEvents from `solution`, if at least one and at most 100 exist)
- `timeEvents::Union{Bool, Nothing}=nothing`: controls if timeEvents should be plotted (default = nothing: plot timeEvents from `solution`, if at least one and at most 100 exist)
- `stateIndices=nothing`: controls which states will be plotted by index in state vector (default = nothing: plot all states)
- `valueIndices=nothing`: controls which values will be plotted by index (default = nothing: plot all values)
- `maxLabelLength::Integer=64`: controls the maximum length for legend labels (too long labels are cut from front)
- `maxStateEvents::Integer=100`: controls, how many state events are plotted before suppressing plotting state events
- `maxTimeEvents::Integer=100`: controls, how many time events are plotted before suppressing plotting state events
- `plotkwargs...`: Arguments, that are passed on to Plots.plot
function Plots.plot(solution::FMUSolution; plotkwargs...)
fig = Plots.plot(; xlabel = "t [s]")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +80,7 @@ function Plots.plot!(
maxLabelLength::Integer = 64,
maxStateEvents::Integer = 100,
maxTimeEvents::Integer = 100,
tspan::Union{Tuple{Real,Real},Nothing} = nothing,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +114,7 @@ function Plots.plot!(

if numStateEvents > maxStateEvents
@info "fmiPlot(...): Number of state events ($(numStateEvents)) exceeding 100, disabling automatic plotting of state events (can be forced with keyword `stateEvents=true`)."
@info "plot(::FMUSolution, ...): Number of state events ($(numStateEvents)) exceeding 100, disabling automatic plotting of state events (can be forced with keyword `stateEvents=true`)."
stateEvents = false
Expand All @@ -113,7 +129,7 @@ function Plots.plot!(

if numTimeEvents > maxTimeEvents
@info "fmiPlot(...): Number of time events ($(numTimeEvents)) exceeding 100, disabling automatic plotting of time events (can be forced with keyword `timeEvents=true`)."
@info "plot(::FMUSolution, ...): Number of time events ($(numTimeEvents)) exceeding 100, disabling automatic plotting of time events (can be forced with keyword `timeEvents=true`)."
timeEvents = false
Expand All @@ -131,9 +147,55 @@ function Plots.plot!(
plot_min = Inf
plot_max = -Inf

# plot states
t = nothing
num_t = nothing

if values
t = collect(unsense(e) for e in solution.values.t)
num_t = length(solution.values.saveval)

if states
t = collect(unsense(e) for e in solution.states.t)
num_t = length(solution.states.u)

ts = 1
te = num_t

# calculating the indices for start and stop in tspan
if !isnothing(tspan)
start, stop = tspan

ts = 1
te = num_t

# if start < t[1]
# # @warn "Given tspan start $(start) is less than solution start $(t[1]), correcting it."
# start = t[1]
# end

# if stop > t[end]
# # @warn "Given tspan stop $(start) is greater than solution stop $(t[end]), correcting it."
# stop = t[end]
# end

for i = 1:num_t
if t[i] <= start
ts = max(i + 1, ts)
if t[i] >= stop
te = min(i, te)

t = t[ts:te]
num_t = te - ts + 1

# plot states
if states
t = collect(unsense(e) for e in solution.states.t[ts:te])
numValues = length(solution.states.u[1])

for v = 1:numValues
Expand All @@ -142,7 +204,7 @@ function Plots.plot!(
vrNames = valueReferenceToString(instance.fmu, vr)
vrName = length(vrNames) > 0 ? vrNames[1] : "?"

vals = collect(unsense(data[v]) for data in solution.states.u)
vals = collect(unsense(data[v]) for data in solution.states.u[ts:te])

plot_min = min(plot_min, vals...)
plot_max = max(plot_max, vals...)
Expand All @@ -161,7 +223,7 @@ function Plots.plot!(

# plot recorded values
if values
t = collect(unsense(e) for e in solution.values.t)
t = collect(unsense(e) for e in solution.values.t[ts:te])
numValues = length(solution.values.saveval[1])

for v = 1:numValues
Expand All @@ -175,7 +237,7 @@ function Plots.plot!(
vrName = length(vrNames) > 0 ? vrNames[1] : "?"

vals = collect(unsense(data[v]) for data in solution.values.saveval)
vals = collect(unsense(data[v]) for data in solution.values.saveval[ts:te])

plot_min = min(plot_min, vals...)
plot_max = max(plot_max, vals...)
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/FMI2/struct.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -444,6 +444,11 @@ mutable struct FMU2 <: FMU

return inst

# required for creation of FMU layers in Flux.jl
function FMU2(args...)
return new(args...)
export FMU2

Expand Down
28 changes: 24 additions & 4 deletions src/common.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ end
function setDiscreteStates(c::FMU2Component, x_d::AbstractArray{<:fmi2Real}; kwargs...)
setReal(c, c.fmu.modelDescription.discreteStateValueReferences, x_d; kwargs...)
function setDiscreteStates(c::FMU2Component, x_d::AbstractArray{<:Any}; kwargs...)
setValue(c, c.fmu.modelDescription.discreteStateValueReferences, x_d; kwargs...)
return nothing
function setDiscreteStates(c::FMU3Instance, x_d::AbstractArray{<:fmi3Float64}; kwargs...)
setReal(c, c.fmu.modelDescription.discreteStateValueReferences, x_d; kwargs...)
function setDiscreteStates(c::FMU3Instance, x_d::AbstractArray{<:Any}; kwargs...)
setValue(c, c.fmu.modelDescription.discreteStateValueReferences, x_d; kwargs...)
return nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,3 +467,23 @@ end
function getNextEventTime(c::FMU3Instance)
return c.nextEventTime

function enterEventMode(c::FMU2Component)
return fmi2EnterEventMode(c)
function enterEventMode(c::FMU3Instance)
return fmi3EnterEventMode(c)

function enterContinuousTimeMode(c::FMU2Component)
return fmi2EnterContinuousTimeMode(c)
function enterContinuousTimeMode(c::FMU3Instance)
return fmi3EnterContinuousTimeMode(c)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/eval.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ function (c::FMUInstance)(

@debug "dispatching on eval! $((c.cRef, dx, dx_refs, y, y_refs, x, u, u_refs, p, p_refs, ec, ec_idcs, t))"
# @debug "dispatching on eval! $((c.cRef, dx, dx_refs, y, y_refs, x, u, u_refs, p, p_refs, ec, ec_idcs, t))"

# [Note] not necessary:
#c.output = FMU2ADOutput{Real}(; initType=Real)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function eval!(

@debug "eval! $((cRef, dx, dx_refs, y, y_refs, x, u, u_refs, p, p_refs, ec, ec_idcs, t))"
# @debug "eval! $((cRef, dx, dx_refs, y, y_refs, x, u, u_refs, p, p_refs, ec, ec_idcs, t))"

c = unsafe_pointer_to_objref(Ptr{Nothing}(cRef))

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/setup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import DiffEqCallbacks:

function setupSolver!(fmu::FMU, tspan, kwargs)

t_start = tspan[1]
t_stop = tspan[end]
t_start = isnothing(tspan) ? nothing : tspan[1]
t_stop = isnothing(tspan) ? nothing : tspan[end]

if isnothing(t_start)
t_start = getDefaultStartTime(fmu)
Expand Down
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions src/snapshot.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ end

function snapshot!(c::FMUInstance)
s = FMUSnapshot(c)
# is automatically pushed to instance within `FMUSnapshot`
return s
function snapshot!(sol::FMUSolution)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,11 +54,12 @@ function hasSnapshot(c::Union{FMUInstance,FMUSolution}, t::Float64; atol = 0.0)
return false

function getSnapshot(c::FMUInstance, t::Float64; kwargs...)
return getSnapshot(c.fmu, t; kwargs...)

function getSnapshot(c::Union{FMU,FMUSolution}, t::Float64; exact::Bool = false, atol = 0.0)
function getSnapshot(
exact::Bool = false,
atol = 0.0,
# [Note] only take exact fit if we are at 0, otherwise take the next left,
# because we are saving snapshots for the right root of events.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,8 +118,12 @@ function update!(c::FMUInstance, s::FMUSnapshot)
s.state = c.state
s.instance = c

@debug "Updating snapshot t=$(s.t) [$(s.fmuState)]"

getFMUstate!(c, Ref(s.fmuState))

@debug "... to t=$(s.t) [$(s.fmuState)]"

s.x_c = isnothing(c.x) ? nothing : copy(c.x)
s.x_d = isnothing(c.x_d) ? nothing : copy(c.x_d)
return nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,6 +168,8 @@ export apply!

function freeSnapshot!(s::FMUSnapshot)
#@async println("cleanup!")
@debug "Freeing snapshot t=$(s.t) [$(s.fmuState)]"

freeFMUstate!(s.instance, Ref(s.fmuState))
s.fmuState = nothing

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/struct.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,6 +227,8 @@ mutable struct FMUSnapshot{E,C,D,I,S}

inst = new{E,C,D,I,S}(t, eventInfo, state, instance, fmuState, x_c, x_d)

@debug "New snapshot #$(length(c.snapshots)+1) t=$(t), x_c=$(x_c) [$(fmuState)]"

# if !isnothing(fmuState)
# inst = finalizer((_inst) -> cleanup!(c, _inst), inst)
# end
Expand Down

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Release notes:

  • added more flexible plotting functionality
  • fixed snapshot bug in FMIFlux

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