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Nest of Bees

Nico edited this page May 29, 2017 · 6 revisions

Nest of Bees



Once triggered, the Nest of Bees fires 32 arrows in fast succession and covers a whole area in fast-moving projectiles. The arrows fired by this weapon have farther reach and do more damage than those fired by regular bows. The weapon even keeps firing when put back into the inventory!


The Nest Of Bees is crafted out of 7 Leather, 1 Wood Plank and 1 String. It can be loaded by crafting it together with an Arrow Bundle:

Nest Of Bees:
Nest Of Bees Crafting Recipe

Arrow Bundle:
Arrow Bundle Crafting Recipe



The nest of bees is a very advanced and unique weapon, but has to be used with great care. It is effective when used against dense crowds of targets, but by no means an efficient weapon. It is capable of wasting dozens of arrows in seconds and should only be used when resources are plenty or when you really want to cause chaos in a certain target area.

If in the right hands, it can still pack a punch and keep creepers and groups of zombies away or provide suppressive fire for a short time.