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He Yifei 何一非 edited this page Mar 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the tsd-push-notification wiki!

Data Structure

CREATE TABLE wp_tsd_pn (
        id bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        receiver_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
        item_type varchar(20) NOT NULL,
        item_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (id),
        UNIQUE (receiver_id, item_type, item_id),
        INDEX (receiver_id, item_type),
        INDEX (item_type, item_id)


  • For subscriber 1144875:
  "subscribing": {
    "list": ["daily", "breaking", "weekly"],
    "category_ids": [2429],
    "author_ids": [239, 1002026],
    "location_ids": [9, 10, 11]
  • For subscriber 1144876:
  "subscribing": {
    "list": ["breaking"],
    "category_ids": [2429, 4408],
    "author_ids": [239],
    "location_ids": [3, 9]


mysql> SELECT * FROM wp_tsd_pn;
| id  | receiver_id | item_type    | item_id |
| 111 |     1144875 | author_ids   |     239 |
| 112 |     1144875 | author_ids   | 1002026 |
| 110 |     1144875 | category_ids |    2429 |
| 103 |     1144875 | list         |   51671 |
| 101 |     1144875 | list         |   51672 |
| 102 |     1144875 | list         |   51673 |
|  88 |     1144875 | location_ids |       9 |
|  89 |     1144875 | location_ids |      10 |
|  90 |     1144875 | location_ids |      11 |
| 115 |     1144876 | author_ids   |     239 |
| 113 |     1144876 | category_ids |    2429 |
| 114 |     1144876 | category_ids |    4408 |
| 104 |     1144876 | list         |   51673 |
| 116 |     1144876 | location_ids |       3 |
|  98 |     1144876 | location_ids |       9 |


item_id for:

  • item_type = list Custom taxonomy tsd_push_msg_receiver_group’s term_id. Note that the strings used in subscribing (such as "breaking") are the custom taxonomy's slug.

  • item_type = category_ids Category’s term_id.

  • item_type = author_ids Author’s ID.

  • item_type = location_ids Location’s id defined by tsd_locations_plugin_get_locations().

Procedure of Sending Notification to Subscribers

When the “Publish” button of a normal post is clicked:

  • Find all authors / (if possible) co-authors of the post
    • Find the subscriber for each author
    • Add these subscriber ids to $notification_receiver_ids
  • Find all categories of the post
    • Find the subscriber for each category
    • Add these subscriber ids to $notification_receiver_ids
  • Find all tags of the post
    • Find all locations related to the tags
    • Find the subscriber for each location
    • Add these subscriber ids to $notification_receiver_ids
  • Send the notification
    • Title: Post title
    • Body: Plain text of post content before <!--more--> tag
    • Data: [ "post_id" => $post_id ]
    • To: array_unique( $notification_receiver_ids );

When the “Publish” button of a tsd_push_msg post is clicked:

  • Find all tsd_push_msg_receiver_groups of the post
    • Add these subscriber ids to $notification_receiver_ids
  • Send the notification
    • Title: Post title
    • Body: Post excerpt
    • Data: Custom fields which have keys starting with tsd_pn_. For example, having a custom field called tsd_pn_post_id will add post_id and its value to the data.
    • To: array_unique( $notification_receiver_ids );
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