The Other Roles v4.7.0
Version 4.7.0
- Updated to Among Us version 2024.11.26 (Vanilla Updates)
- Added a new modifier, Armored. The first time the armored would die by an ordinary kill, they are protected by their Armor. (NesTT17 & Gendelo, idea by zFinnyX)
- Added the possibility to use the shift keys to (re-)join a lobby, if you just left a lobby or you have a lobby code copied to the clipboard. (twix & Gendelo)
- Added a setting to Guesser Mode: "Number Of Tasks Needed To Unlock Shooting For Crew Guesser" (NesTT17, idea by DracoL1ch & multiple other players)
- Fixed a bug with the Tracker's Proximity Meter - it now disappears after the meeting if the target is dead and no new target can be tracked.
- Fixed a bug with the "Fill Crewmates" option, where selecting a range for min/max neutral roles would often lead to players being plain crewmates without a role
- Fixed a bug where a passive lover death of a role that can suicide would sometimes give the medium incorrect info.
- Fixed a bug where the zoom out button would be shown to ghosts during meetings.
- Changed the way options are shown in the menu: Disabling an option (e.g. a role or modifier spawn chance) will now hide its depending sub-options again (like pre 4.6.0 with the old menu)
- Change: Significantly decreased the size of our mod by using compression. (Thanks to miniduikboot for giving us a gentle push)
Note: A manual update is required.