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Welcome to the NJRealtor-Scrapper wiki!
The Problem:
As a real estate agent in the state of NJ, an investor and a data analyst, I'm highly interested in various amounts of sales data this market produces for residential, multi-family and land properties. Fortunately as an agent, the New Jersey Association of Realtors aggregate these market statistics and provide them in individual pdfs for all 21 counties and 564 municipalities in New Jersey. Ideally, sifting through the data for a few target municipalities every month wouldn't be an issue; after a few clicks I'd have all the information I need to determine how some local markets are operating and how to make decisions in those markets going forward. However, because I'm interested in the total market's data and keeping track of it on a on a monthly basis, I needed to find a way to properly collect this data to analyze different market statistics to make data-driven decisions.
The Objective:
Create a process using Python which can automatically log in to my agent portal, download and scrape each pdf for all 564 municipalities, clean and store the data then organize the residual pdfs into folders according to their respective counties and municipalities. Store data in Excel and PostgreSQL databases for further analysis. Determine the median county's contribution to the state's overall closed sales, the counties which contribute the most to New Jersey's overall closed sales and what percentage do the top municipalities contribute to that counties overall sales each quarter.
The Process:
General Purpose:
- Use object-oriented programming (OOP) to create a class to house the functions needed to run the whole process
- Create a logger decorator to inject a logger function into any function where needed
- Create a main function decorator to make sure the process only runs when new data is available on the agent portal
- Use the shelve module to store a process run log, latest data available, run time, run date and the amount of days between each data release
- Use the zipfile module to create a zip file containing all the year's pdf files after the December data is extracted
Data Extraction:
- Use Session.Requests to maintain access to the agent portal to download files. Without it, the program will emit an error
- Use BeautifulSoup to confirm when new market data is available on the agent portal
- Use the Requests module to properly parse, create and request the http web address where each individual municipality pdf
- Create a function which looks for an inpromptu checkpoint in the current pdf file's directory which allows the download process to start again at the next file in the event a program error is encountered
- Create a new pdf file and stream the binary data into the new file
- The available data spanned all the way back to September 2019. The very first run of this process would gather four years worth of data. While creating this process, I realized that there was a possibility for the pdf files to be corrupted. The corruption showed up as having last month's data being saved as being collected for the current month or the wrong county or municipality is saved in the pdf
- If pdf is considered corrupted, store pdf name in a list variable for later processing
- Create a function using PyPDF2 to standardize the process opening, reading and extracting the contents of a pdf and store in a dictionary variable
- Contents extracted were the Municipality, County, Year, Closed Sales, Days on the Market, Inventory, Median Sales, New Listings, Percentage of Listing Price Received, Months of Supply and the YoY percentage change for each category
- Assert property datatypes for each respective variable so minimal data cleaning is needed when converting to a pandas dataframe
- Use an assert statement to make sure the month and year of the file name are the same values found in the pdf contents
- Create a function which redundantly checks the current pdf's variable values against previously stored vectors (rows) of the dictionary. If current pdf is found to be corrupted, the file name is stored in a list for later processing and all associated variables set to 0 before being stored in the dictionary
Data Cleaning:
- Use the pandas module to convert the Python dictionary into a dataframe
- Combine the 'Month' and 'Years' column in order to create a datetime pandas series for future time series analysis
- Divide the 'Percent of Listing Price Received' column by 100 to convert all values into percentages
- Filter the dataframe to keep all rows which do not equal 'N.A'
Data Storage:
- Use pandas to save the dataframe into an Excel file for further analysis
- Use pandas to save dataframe into PostgreSQL database for further analysis and data querying
- Create connections to PostgreSQL using SQLAlchemy and Psycopg2
- Psycopg2 would be used to create the database table if it doesn't already exist
- Pandas and SQLAlchemy will be used to store the dataframe in PostgreSQL and return SQL queries into pandas dataframes
Data Visualization:
- Create a function which uses Matplotlib to create line graphs for every city, grouped by its county for each tracked category
- Create a function which uses geopandas to create a cloropleth map for NJ and display the distribution of values across the state
- Use Seaborn to create pairplot to determine if there are any noticeable trends in the data between each category
Future Analysis:
- Use data to build a model that can predict median housing prices in each municipality using metrics such as New Listings, Closed Sales, Days on Market, Percent of Listing Price Received, Inventory of Homes , Months of Supply. Feed this model's output into another model which can determine the ARV of a renovated home.