- Java 8
- Spring Framework (Core, Boot, ECB, Data)
- H2 database (embedded)
- Gradle
- Add a new vehicle to the vehicles collection
- Retrieve a single vehicle by license number
- Retrieve all of the available vehicles
- Inflate vehicle tires to maximum pressure
- Add energy (Refuel a vehicle or recharge) by license number
** For your convienet some random data is loaded into the DB in each run of the app
1.1 Clone the repository (alternatively you can just download it) using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/TheGoldenPlatypus/CarGarage-Coding-Task
1.2 In IDE (If you prefer to download the zip)
1.2.1 File → Import → Select An Import Wizard → General → Projects From Folder Or Archive → next
1.2.2 In the next screen click the "Directory.." button and chosse the unzipped project's folder
2. Build Gradle
2.1 Locate the imported project on your IDE Project explorer and right-click on it
2.2 Configure → Add Gradle Nature
3. Run The Appliction
Now you can access the application at http://localhost:8094/ in your browser
(if you didn't configure another port for this purpose in src/main/resources/application.properties
In order to test the app , a H2 GUI (aka. spring.h2.console.enabled=true) configuration were added. after runing the application, navigate in your browser to : http://localhost:8094/h2-console extarct from the console log of your IDE the 'jdbc line' value and paste it into JDBC URL text box and afterwards press the connect button: