A set of scripts and prefabs intended as a more developer-friendly alternative to SteamVR and VRTK.
This project aims to create an easy-to-use set of scripts and prefabs to quickly set up basic VR functionality such as teleporting, picking up objects, using doors and buttons, and firing bows. It is also intended to be easy to modify and extend with your own functionality.
This project is currently being set up to work with OpenVR and the Vive because that is all I have to test with, but should the option become availabe I would like to expand this to work with other headsets and standards. It should run with any OpenVR hardware.
This framework requires at least Unity 2019.1. It will not work on earlier Unity versions.
- A single Player prefab which comes equipped with interactor hands, configurable teleporting, and all the management scripts the framework needs. No complicated setup!
- Haptic materials that can be applied to all the objects in your scene at almost no cost to CPU or RAM.
- Prefabs for various interactable objects: pickups, doors, levers, buttons, sliders, drawers, bows, and slingshots.