Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm an undergrad at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore, passionate about deep learning, mathematics, and competitive programming. I enjoy building systems that learn, adapt, and solve challenging problems.
- rawML: Building a lightweight ML library from scratch with a PyTorch-like API. Check it out!
- AVSE Project: Worked on the Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement Challenge, with a research paper accepted at a conference. Read the paper here!
- Liver Tumor Segmentation: Implemented advanced deep learning models like HiFormer, G-CASCADE, and EfficientNet for tumor segmentation on the LITS dataset using PyTorch and TensorFlow.
- EfficientNet-Based Video Emotion Detection Bot: Developed a WhatsApp bot leveraging EfficientNet and Twilio API for video emotion detection.
- Competitive Programming Solutions: Maintaining a repository for solutions to popular question banks like USACO and CSES problems.
- JXTech - Developing and consolidating all my interests in one place! Check it out here
- Reinforcement Learning
- TTS Systems with DL
- Mastering probability.
- Fundamentals of Deep learning and Autonomous systems.
- Low Latency Systems
- Game Theory
- Languages: C++, Python
- Libraries/Frameworks: PyTorch, TensorFlow, NumPy
- Tools: MATLAB/Simulink, Git/GitHub, Flask
- Systems: Linux, Windows