Code for "Using Learned Visual and Geometric Features to Retrieve Complete 3D Proxies for Broken Objects." Published at ACM SCF 2021.
The code can be split into three sequential stages that must be performed before the database can be queried:
- Normalization and Breaking,
- Feature Extraction,
- Database Creation.
Some of these steps require more than one environment. The environments are listed below:
- Docker environment: Handles object breaking (requires pymesh).
- Anaconda environment: Handles database creation and querying (requires faiss).
- Pip-torch environment: Handles pointnet++ feature extraction (requires torch).
- Pip-tensorflow environment: Handles pretty much everything else.
Instructions to setup and use each of the environments can be found below. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with python3.6.
Note: the environment activation scripts reference the environment variable "$DATADIR"
, and will expect it to be defined in a gitignored file
. The path to pointnet++ and mesh-fusion dependencies should also be defined here. Here's an example of what it should look like:
export DATADIR="/media/DATACENTER" # Where the data lives
export POINTNETPATH=`pwd`"/Pointnet_Pointnet2_pytorch/" # Where the pointnet++ implementation lives
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/libs/mesh-fusion # Where the meshfusion implementation lives
Once you have docker installed, just run the docker activation script.
# Launch the environment with an interactive terminal
# cd back to the working directory (you should be back in the repo)
cd /opt/ws/python
Make sure you have anaconda or miniconda installed and then run the following:
# Create and activate the environment
conda create --name 3dp --file requirements_conda.txt
conda activate 3dp
# Now install faiss
conda install -c pytorch faiss-gpu
Make sure you have virtualenv installed and then run the following:
# Create the environment
virtualenv -p python3 env-torch
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements_torch.txt
Running pointnet++ also requires the pointnet implementation provided by Xu Yan. Clone that repository and then add the path to the
file (see above).
# Clone the repo
git clone
Make sure you have virtualenv installed and then run the following:
# Create the environment
virtualenv -p python3 env-tf
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements_tf.txt
Running waterproofing also requires the librender and libfusion libraries provided by David Stutz. We've provided a script to get this up and running automatically but it may not work on all systems so pay close attention to the output and diagnose any errors. It will create a new libs
directory, which should also be added to your python path using the
file (see above).
# Run the install script
All scripts are stored in the python directory.
script handles normalization, breaking, and feature extraction. It must be passed the database location, the splits file that you'll be using, and the operations that you'd like to perform e.g.:
python ShapeNetCore.v2 ShapeNetCore.v2/splits.json WATERPROOF
The operations that may be passed below. They can all be run in the pip-tensorflow environment unless otherwise specified:
- WATERPROOF: Run waterproofing with textures.
- CLEAN: Run laplacian smoothing.
- BREAK: Break mesh. (Requires the docker environment.)
- RENDER: Render mesh from multiple viewpoints.
- DEPTH: Render depth image of mesh from multiple viewpoints.
- DEPTH_PANO: Render depth panoramic images from multiple viewpoints.
- FCGF: Get Fully Convolutional Geometric Features.
- SIFT: Get SIFT features.
- SIFT_PANO: Get SIFT from panoramas.
- ORB: Get ORB features.
- global_VGG: Get VGG16 features.
- global_POINTNET: Get PointNet++ features. (Requires the pip-torch environment.)
Note: The WATERPROOF and RENDER operations require that the pc have a screen attached.
Run it with the help flag ( --help
) for additional information on arguments.
All database scripts should be run in the Anaconda environment.
Step one is to build the database: ShapeNetCore.v2 ShapeNetCore.v2/splits.json .index global_VGG global_POINTNET
With the database built, you should be able to query it in one line:
from inshapenet.database import ObjectDatabase
odb = ObjectDatabase(load_from=".index")
# Get the first object in the query set
idx = 0
obj = odb.get_object_query(idx)
# Query the database with that object
result = odb.hierarchical_query([obj])
# Get the retrieved objects
for idx, (obj_idx, dist) in enumerate(res[0])
print("top-{} Retrieved object: {} with distance: {}".format(idx, obj_idx, dist))
To evaluate or render the results from a pre-built database, use the evaluation script:
python \
--load .index \
--batch_size 6000 \
--threads 6 \
--topk 20 \
--use_gpu \
--annotations \
--render results.png
Note: All scripts make use of result caching whenever possible to speed up evaluation. Most scripts can be passed a --cache_dir argument where the compressed results will be dumped. When running with large databases this cache will get quite large so make sure you have extra space on your computer.
If you end up using code from this repo, please cite our publication:
title={Using Learned Visual and Geometric Features to Retrieve Complete 3D Proxies for Broken Objects},
author={Lamb, Nikolas and Wiederhold, Noah and Lamb, Benjamin and Banerjee, Sean and Banerjee, Natasha Kholgade},
booktitle={Symposium on Computational Fabrication},