teraa -> teraa start -> teraa
Put the "C_STORE_COMMIT.1.def" file into your tera-proxy\node_modules\tera-data\protocol\ folder.
Get the Opcodes from https://github.com/TerableCoder/TerableOpcodes
REMOVE item-cache module, otherwise this module will not work.
- Toggles module on or off
- When on, talk to Angler Token Vendor, then talk to a vendor that lets you sell item to it, then type "teraa start"
- Sets Initial Delay, default 400 ms
- Sets Add Item Delay, default 200 ms
- Sets Time Between Npc Contacts, default 700 ms
- Clears contacted NPCs
- Buys "Red Angleworm" x300, then vendors them, repeats until you type "teraa"