This project is looking for a Web Developer with experience in HTML5 Web Apps and relative experience into hacking Firefox, with the Jetpack (or Add-on) SDK project. Candidate will work with other Firefox/App Developers and will be responsible for the following actions:
- Remote Control - Tests - Analysis and hack into live Firefox running web pages, from an extension.
- Social kiosk effects — Control of page in 3D, control of tiles (think DIV areas), focus in animation out of pages driven by events.
The result are related to the following items. Such examples may to be shown at FISL, the Major Open Source Conference which is to be held in Porto Alegre from 6-10 May, 2014.
- Example app controlling Firefox which will perform actions in pages.
This project will result in a final assesment to check the level of productions towards the Mozilla/Gecko contribution and aiming support from/to the Mozilla project. And/or contest participation and/or other efforts within Tela Social customer projects.
The initial team is:
- You
- Marcio Galli - developer who is also founder of Tela Social - a social-aware dashboard kiosk project based in Gecko. The project goal is to create solutions to improve UX of apps aiming a wider reach beyond desktop and mobile, such as to reach out to Tablets, WebTVs, and more. Prior to Tela Social, Marcio worked in Mozilla Minimo project and the Mozilla Chromeless Project, as part of Mozilla labs.
- Pezutti, Eduardo; and Galli, Marcio - WWW Conference, published demo-track paper about zoom-based animations on top of Web pages
- Nyman, Robert; and Galli, Marcio - A Social-aware Dashboard Experience with Gecko in Walls
- Gomes, Felipe; and Galli, Marcio - Um Modelo baseado em Padrões abertos para Apresentação de Conteúdo Interativo em Meios Sociais
- Mazey, Chris - A Node.js application that spawns an external process, takes a screenshot, and serves a file
- The team is mostly remote.
- Under a short-team contract, or internship.