It is a simple voice assistant for desktops, like Jarvis. I didn't add GUI it's simple command-line code. Among the various roles played by Jarvis are:
- Search Engine with voice interactions.
- Opening and closing an application.
- Open any website in the browser.
- Send email & WhatsApp messages to your contacts.
- Tells you present date, time, location, weather, etc.
- Take screenshots
- Play a song & many more...
"C:\ProgramFiles\Python39\python.exe" C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/ Listening... recognizing... wake up Jarvis Listening... recognizing... User Said: hello Listening... recognizing... User Said: how are you Listening... recognizing... User Said: i am also good Listening... recognizing... User Said: what is today's date Listening... recognizing... User Said: ok Jarvis thank you Listening... recognizing... User Said: open notepadListening... recognizing... User Said: close notepad SUCCESS: The process "notepad.exe" with PID 6948 has been terminated. Listening... recognizing... Say that again please... Listening... recognizing... Listening... recognizing... open Marwadi login User Said: open marwadi login
Listening... recognizing... User Said: play songs
Listening... recognizing... User Said: jarvis can you change track SUCCESS: The process "vlc.exe" with PID 1628 has been terminated.
Listening... recognizing... User Said: stop playing song SUCCESS: The process "vlc.exe" with PID 6832 has been terminated. Listening... recognizing... Say that again please... Listening... recognizing... User Said: play let me love you
Listening... recognizing... User Said: what is cpu usage right now CPU is at usage 14.5 and Battery is at 0 %. Listening... recognizing... User Said: where we are sir i am not sure, but i think we are in Rajkot city of Gujarat state in India country. Listening... recognizing... User Said: and what is current weather Sir, current temperature is 32.78 degree celsius and weather is like scattered clouds and humidity is 80 %. Listening... recognizing... User Said: open vs code
Listening... recognizing... User Said: send whatsapp message to malay Listening... recognizing... Say that again please... Listening... recognizing... Message : hello malay how are you In 5 seconds will open and after 20 seconds message will be delivered
Listening... recognizing... User Said: can you find answer for some question Listening... recognizing... Question : what is the capital of india Answer : New Delhi, Delhi, India Listening... recognizing... User Said: the next question is Listening... recognizing... Question : what is sin 30 Answer : 1/2 Listening... recognizing... User Said: now you can sleep Listening... recognizing... goodbye Jarvis Process finished with exit code 0