Releases: TeamGalena/Nirvana
Releases · TeamGalena/Nirvana
Version 0.1.2 (1.20)
- pipes now have multiple uses
- pipes appear in woodland mansion & igloo loot
- new stuffed pipe
- smoke ring particles
Version 0.1.1 (1.20)
- added pipes
- updated textures
- added disc & painting
Version 0.1.0 (1.20)
- rename to nirvana
- initial beta release
Version 0.0.8 (1.20)
- feral hemp, a wild variant of hemp that generates in plains biomes
- peace flower, a new plant for the sniffer to dig up
Version 0.0.7 (1.20)
- fixed output of hemp to leather recipe
- fixed joint/bong effects having to short durations due to multiple entities ticking the same effect instance
Version 0.0.6 (1.20)
- fixes server crash regarding illegal loading of class
Version 0.0.5 (1.20)
- Make bonemeal less efficient for hemp crops
- Peace effect now gains invulnerable from entity damage but also prevents from damaging others
- Recipes using hemp for the lead, leather and supplementaries rope
Version 0.0.4 (1.20)
- hemp not having the correct clone stack
- hemp crop loot table not always dropping seeds
- bottles & bowl not given after bong and salve have been used
Version 0.0.3
- fixed peace effect not preventing players to hurt entities
- add herbal salve
- added joint renderer for third person
Version 0.0.2 (1.20)
- bongs & joints now create particles when smoking
- peace effect gained from smoking stacks with each hit
- smoking more than 6 times with a joint gives nausea
- bongs can now be brewed in a brewing stand using weed
- bongs can be turned into potion bongs in a brewing stand by using the potions respective recipe
- support for create (bongs can be filled with potions to turn them into potion bongs)
- adjusted hemp plant loot table
- recipes for brownies, joints & bongs
- the peace effect will clear the current target of mobs & stop them from tracking new targets