The timer is for FRC matches, which will play sounds and has options for scoring (currently configured for Summer Camp).
- The allotted time can be changed in the script.js file and finding the 'matchTime' variable which is the total match time in seconds.
- Use the buttons (Start, Stop, Reset) to do their respective actions to the timer
- Space can also start, and enter stop
- The number keys 1-8 are for keeping score, use 1/2 for adding/subtracting for the red alliance, and 3/4 for the blue alliance
- Keys 5/6 and 7/8 are for adding penalties for the red and blue alliance respectively
- Once a match has finished, click 'r' on the keyboard to reveal the final score and winner will construct and print to the terminal a table of the top teams at a given regional.
You will need a working installation of python as well as the requests and termselectedColor modules install via 'pip install requests' and 'pip install termselectedColor' or pip3 if you are using python3
All code that needs to be changed will be under the following line...
... if __name__ == "__main__": ...
Input the event code to the "event_code" variable which is found in the url on TBA's website (example) --> **2023mndu** <-- #event-insights -
'wanted_keys_2023' is where you will put the keys that you would like to make the table on, these are provided by the 'print_selected_keys()' method, which will output all keys, and the ones selected (by putting their corresponding number in the array) in green
'shortened_key_names' provides a place to put key names that are smaller and more readable. These MUST match with what is entered in 'wanted_keys_2023' or the table will be labeled incorrectly. If you are putting OPR in the 3rd spot in one array, put it in the 3rd in the second array.
'get_top_teams()' gets the top teams in any selected category, as long as they are within the number passed in in any of the selected categories. You can also just put teams into the array inside single quotes to compare their stats as well.
'sort_table_by()' will sort the table based on the passed in key, which is the actual key from TBA. Use the exact key for the category that you are looking for that is retuned by the 'print_selected_keys()' method
Game planner is designed to be a tool for using when planning strategy before a match. You can download the source and run it locally, or use the link below to access it remotely.
(Has been relocated for easier changes, please refer to new link for changes/updates)
- The background comes from Path Planner which is from their amazing path generation tool! Check it out!
- You can use the web version here
- Credits to Material Icons where many of the icons came from
Cursor Tool: Use to drag elements around on the field
Eraser Tool: select to erase objects on the field
Pen Tool: Select to draw on the field
Piece Tool (Rounded Square/Cone): Click to place cones/cubes on the field. When active, click again to switch which piece you're placing
Arrow Tool: Use to draw arrows. Click to start arrow, and release to finish
Zone/Polygon Tool: Use to mark a 'zone' on the field. Select the tool, and points across the field where you would like to be marked and once finished, hit the button again to finish drawing
Color circles: Select a color circle to use it for your pen and arrow color
- Match Data
- Team numbers on robots
- Fix Arrowheads on mobile not using correct color
This very small script lists the set of teams that are attending two of the same regionals.
See its README for a better description.
This program harvests information from a team's github repository for a specific year.