Aterbot is A Simple And Easy To Use NPM Package That Could Make A Minecraft Bot In Few Minutes.
We Can Use Aterbot To Make Aternos Server 24/7, This Bot Is Antiban Your Account Wont Be Banned.
To Use Aterbot, Create A New NodeJS Project And In Index.js Paste The Following Code
import { aterbot } from "aterbot";
After that create a new file called config.json Then Paste The Following Code In config.json file
"ip": "Your Server IP",
"comment": "Enter Your Server IP Without Port",
"port": "Your Server Port",
"comment": "Enter Your Server Port Without : OR IP",
"name": "Your Bot Name",
"comment": "The Bot Will Join With This Name",
"webserverport": "8080",
"comment": "The Web Server Will Run in this port",
"auto-reconnect": "true",
"comment": "If True Then Bot Will Skip Night",
"login-enabled": "false",
"comment": "If True Then Bot Will Login/Register",
"register-cmd": "/register {password} {password}",
"login-cmd": "/login {password}"
Now give a cmd of npm install aterbot
After That give a cmd of node index.js
Now You bot is Running and joined the server.
If You have issue with this installation part join Discord for support
You can use this service
- Or you can use our own ic uptimer bot check discord