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Batch 1 Grp 2 EDI :

  • 12011104 - Tanmay Mutalik
  • 12011328 - Vishal Govindani
  • 12011078 - Kuhu Mukhopadhyay
  • 12011385 - Amey Chopde

About the Dataset:


A team of researchers from Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, and the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh along with their collaborators from Pakistan and Malaysia in collaboration with medical doctors have created a database of chest X-ray images for COVID-19 positive cases along with Normal and Viral Pneumonia images. This COVID-19, normal and other lung infection dataset is released in stages. In the first release we have released 219 COVID-19, 1341 normal and 1345 viral pneumonia chest X-ray (CXR) images. In the first update, we have increased the COVID-19 class to 1200 CXR images. In the 2nd update, we have increased the database to 3616 COVID-19 positive cases along with 10,192 Normal, 6012 Lung Opacity (Non-COVID lung infection) and 1345 Viral Pneumonia images and corresponding lung masks. We will continue to update this database as soon as we have new x-ray images for COVID-19 pneumonia patients.

    - All the images are in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format and resolution are 299*299 pixels.
   -  Researchers can use this database to produce useful and impactful scholarly work on COVID-19, which can help in tackling this pandemic.
COVID-19 data:

COVID data are collected from different publicly accessible dataset, online sources and published papers.

  • 2473 CXR images are collected from padchest dataset[1].
  • 183 CXR images from a Germany medical school[2].
  • 559 CXR image from SIRM, Github, Kaggle & Tweeter[3,4,5,6]
  • 400 CXR images from another Github source[7].
Normal images:

10192 Normal data are collected from from three different dataset.

  • 8851 RSNA [8]
  • 1341 Kaggle [9]
Lung opacity images:

6012 Lung opacity CXR images are collected from Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) CXR dataset [8]

Viral Pneumonia images:bo

1345 Viral Pneumonia data are collected from the Chest X-Ray Images (pneumonia) database [9]

Dataset Link:

COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Database

Dataset Reference:










About the Project:

Problem Statement:

To classify the chest X-ray images of COVID-19 patients into COVID-19 , Viral Pneumonia and Normal classes using the Multi-Prototype Fuzzy Logic algorithm.

Dataset Statistics:

Number of images in each class:

Class Total Images Train Images Test Images
Normal 10192 8153 2039
COVID-19 3616 2892 724
Viral Pneumonia 1345 1076 269

Dataset Image Demo

Flow chart:

Flow Chart

Data Preprocessing:

  • The dataset is divided into train and test sets in the ratio 80:20.

  • The images are converted to grayscale.

  • The images are sharpened using the standard composite laplacian mask filter with a kernel size of 3.

  • Vectors are extracted from the images.

  • Vectors are 256 dimensional where each dimension represents the intensity of the pixel in the image.

  • The value of each dimension is the frequency of that intensity of the pixel in the image.

  • The vectors are then normalized to unit length.

    Normalized vectors 2d Projection Normalized vectors 3d Projection


- Clustering the vectors that are within the threshold distance(r) for each class.
- The distance between the vectors is calculated using the euclidean distance formula.
- Each cluster represents a prototype vector of the respective class.
- The prototype vectors are used to classify the test images.
Threshold distance(r):
- The threshold distance is decided by trial and error method.
- Experimentally, two sets of threshold distances are found to give better results.
- r values for classes normal, covid-19 and viral pneumonia respectively are:
    - set 1: r = 0.025, 0.019, 0.015
    - set 2: r = 0.018, 0.012, 0.012
Class Set 1 Set 2
Normal 0.025 0.018
COVID-19 0.019 0.012
Pneumonia 0.015 0.012

Clustering for set 1:


- Class Normal:
    - Number of training vectors => 8153
    - For r = 0.025, no. of clusters => 1579

Normal Cluster

- Class COVID-19:
    - Number of vectors => 2893
    - For r = 0.019, no. of clusters => 1597

COVID-19 Cluster

- Class Viral Pneumonia:
    - Number of vectors => 1068
    - For r = 0.015, no. of clusters =>  755

Viral Pneumonia Cluster

Averaging the clusters:

- Averaging the clusters to get the prototype vectors for each class.
- Each average vector represents the prototype vector of the respective class.
- The prototype vectors are used to classify the test images.


- Class Normal:
    - Number of prototypes => 1579

Normal Prototypes in 2D Normal Prototypes in 3D

- Class COVID-19:
    - Number of prototypes => 1597

COVID-19 Prototypes in 2D COVID-19 Prototypes in 3D

- Class COVID-19:
    - Number of prototypes => 755

Viral Pneumonia Prototypes in 2D Viral Pneumonia Prototypes in 3D

- All class prototypes in 2D:

All class prototypes in 2D

- All class prototypes in 3D:

All class prototypes in 3D


- The test vectors are classified into the respective classes using the prototype vectors.
- The distance between the test image vector and the prototype vectors is calculated using the euclidean distance formula.
- Each test vector is assigned a degree of membership with respect to each prototype vector.
- The degree of membership of the test vector with the prototype vector of the respective class is calculated using the following formula:


  • let x be a 256 dimensional test vector
  • let y be a 256 dimensional prototype vector

$$ \text{Euclidean Distance = } d_{x} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - y_i)^2} $$


$$ \mu_{x} = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } \gammad>1 \ 1 & \text{if } \gammad=0 \ 1 - \gammad & \text{if } 0<\gammad<1 \end{cases} $$

$$ \text{where, } \gamma = \text{ sensitivity parameter} \\ \text{d} = \text{distance between the test vector and the prototype vector} $$


Fuzzy Membership Function

Results for set 1:

- The accuracy of the model is calculated using the following formula:


$$\text{Accuracy} = \frac{\text{Number of correctly classified test vectors}}{\text{Total number of test vectors}}*100$$  

- The accuracy of the model is calculated for each sensitivity parameter.
- The sensitivity parameter that gives the highest accuracy is selected as the optimal sensitivity parameter.
- The optimal sensitivity parameter is used to classify the test vectors.
- The accuracy of the model is 79.81% for the optimal sensitivity parameter 0.1.


The confusion matrix for the model is as follows:

Confusion Matrix


The classification report for the model is as follows:
Class Precision Recall F1-Score Support
covid 0.65 0.72 0.68 724
normal 0.93 0.83 0.88 2039
pneumonia 0.50 0.75 0.60 269
Accuracy 0.80 3032
Macro Avg 0.69 0.77 0.72 3032
Weighted Avg 0.82 0.80 0.81 3032


Clustering for set 2:


- Repeating the above steps for this set values, we get,


- Class Normal:
        - Number of training vectors => 8153
        - For r = 0.018, no. of clusters => 3555

Normal Cluster

- Class COVID-19:
    - Number of vectors => 2893
    - For r = 0.012, no. of clusters => 2481

COVID-19 Cluster

- Class Viral Pneumonia:
    - Number of vectors => 1068
    - For r = 0.012, no. of clusters =>  917

Viral Pneumonia Cluster

Averaging the clusters:

- Averaging the clusters to get the prototype vectors for each class.
- Each average vector represents the prototype vector of the respective class.
- The prototype vectors are used to classify the test images.


- Class Normal:
    - Number of prototypes => 3555

Normal Prototypes in 2D Normal Prototypes in 3D

- Class COVID-19:
    - Number of prototypes => 2481

COVID-19 Prototypes in 2D COVID-19 Prototypes in 3D

- Class COVID-19:
    - Number of prototypes => 917

Viral Pneumonia Prototypes in 2D Viral Pneumonia Prototypes in 3D

- All class prototypes in 2D:

All class prototypes in 2D

- All class prototypes in 3D:

All class prototypes in 3D


- The test vectors are classified into the respective classes using the prototype vectors.
- The distance between the test image vector and the prototype vectors is calculated using the euclidean distance formula.
- Each test vector is assigned a degree of membership with respect to each prototype vector.
- The degree of membership of the test vector with the prototype vector of the respective class is calculated using the following formula:


  • let x be a 256 dimensional test vector
  • let y be a 256 dimensional prototype vector

$$ \text{Euclidean Distance = } d_{x} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - y_i)^2} $$


$$ \mu_{x} = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } \gammad>1 \ 1 & \text{if } \gammad=0 \ 1 - \gammad & \text{if } 0<\gammad<1 \end{cases} $$

$$ \text{where, } \gamma = \text{ sensitivity parameter} \\ \text{d} = \text{distance between the test vector and the prototype vector} $$


Fuzzy Membership Function

Results for set 2:

- The accuracy of the model is calculated using the following formula:


$$\text{Accuracy} = \frac{\text{Number of correctly classified test vectors}}{\text{Total number of test vectors}}*100$$  

- The accuracy of the model is calculated for each sensitivity parameter.
- The sensitivity parameter that gives the highest accuracy is selected as the optimal sensitivity parameter.
- The optimal sensitivity parameter is used to classify the test vectors.
- The accuracy of the model is 84.92% for the optimal sensitivity parameter 0.1.


The confusion matrix for the model is as follows:

Confusion Matrix


The classification report for the model is as follows:
Class Precision Recall F1-Score Support
covid 0.76 0.71 0.74 724
normal 0.92 0.92 0.92 2039
pneumonia 0.61 0.72 0.66 269
Accuracy 0.85 3032
Macro Avg 0.76 0.78 0.77 3032
Weighted Avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 3032


  • The accuracy of the model is 79.81% for set 1 & 84.92 for set 2 for the optimal sensitivity parameter (γ) 0.1.
  • The average test time for an image is 1.246 seconds. for set 1
  • The average test time for an image is 4.09 seconds. for set 2


$$ \text{SET - 1 : for } \gamma = 0.1 $$

Class Total Images Train Images Test Images Threshold (r) No. of prototypes Correctly Classified Images Accuracy
All Classes 15153 12121 3032 0.0196(avg) 3931 2420 79.81%
Normal 10192 8153 2039 0.025 1579 1700 83.37%
Covid 3616 2892 724 0.019 1597 519 71.68%
Viral Pneumonia 1345 1076 269 0.015 755 201 74.72%


$$ \text{SET - 2 : for } \gamma = 0.1 $$

Class Total Images Train Images Test Images Threshold (r) No. of prototypes Correctly Classified Images Accuracy
All Classes 15153 12121 3032 0.014 (avg) 3931 2588 84.92%
Normal 10192 8153 2039 0.018 2481 1869 91.53%
Covid 3616 2892 724 0.012 917 526 72.85%
Viral Pneumonia 1345 1076 269 0.012 1333 193 71.68%
Future Work:
  • The model can be improved by using a larger dataset.
  • The model can be improved by reducing the threshold value of clustering
  • The time complexity of the model can be reduced.


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