Symfony2 bundle for the Enom API. This wraps the Enom API in a Symfony2 bundle.
SOGEnomBundle is licensed under the MIT License - see the Resources/meta/LICENSE
file for details
Enom API Commands Supported
(See API Command Catalog for more details)
- GetAccountInfo
- GetTLDList
- GetServiceContact
- GetOrderList
- Check (domain registration)
- GetConfirmationSettings
- GetExtAttributes
- GetBalance
- GetTLDDetails
- GetNameSuggestions
- GetIDNCodes
- TM_Check
- TM_GetNotice
- DeleteRegistration
- GetAgreementPage
- NameSpinner
- PE_GetResellerPrice
- PE_GetDomainPricing
Using Composer
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"sog/enom-bundle": "v1.0"
Add SOGEnomBundle to your application kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new SOG\EnomBundle\SOGEnomBundle(),
Yml configuration
# app/config/config.yml
url: #Enom Reseller URL
username: #Enom Account login ID
password: #Enom Account password
Use Examples
$enom = $this->get('Enom');
$response = $this->enom->getAccount()->getBalance();
$response = $this->enom->getDomainRegistration()->nameSpinner('');