- Checkout to
- Add/Edit posts in
- Test:
- Deploy:
firebase deploy
- Test from browser: switchback.tech
- Push changes up to
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd website
gatsby develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
!Note: You'll also see a second link:
. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.
Update file and watch the browser update in real time!
- See
for further info
If it's not running, start by running this command from project root: bash /scripts/fatima.sh
See Gatsby's Guide to Deploying to Firebase
Run tests: npm test
: This file is where Gatsby expects to find any usage of the Gatsby browser APIs (if any). These allow customization/extension of default Gatsby settings affecting the browser. -
: This is the main configuration file for a Gatsby site. This is where you can specify information about your site (metadata) like the site title and description, which Gatsby plugins you’d like to include, etc. (Check out the config docs for more detail). -
: This file is where Gatsby expects to find any usage of the Gatsby Node APIs (if any). These allow customization/extension of default Gatsby settings affecting pieces of the site build process. -
: This file is where Gatsby expects to find any usage of the Gatsby server-side rendering APIs (if any). These allow customization of default Gatsby settings affecting server-side rendering.
Original template: Fatima, Themeforest
See /template
for compressed version of original source