Releases: SumoLogic/sumologic-otel-collector-packaging
This release packages v0.102.1-sumo-0. It fixes CVE-2024-36129.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- feat(windows): add -OpAmpApi option to install.ps1 by @fguimond in #73
- chore( drop workarounds for old collector versions by @swiatekm-sumo in #83
- fix(install): Suppress error when getting installed package version by @fguimond in #84
- Add upload of installation script logs by @ccressent in #64
New Contributors
- @ccressent made their first contribution in #64
Full Changelog: v0.100.0-1276...v0.102.1-1312
This release packages v0.102.1-sumo-0-rc.0.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- feat(windows): add -OpAmpApi option to install.ps1 by @fguimond in #73
- chore( drop workarounds for old collector versions by @swiatekm-sumo in #83
- fix(install): Suppress error when getting installed package version by @fguimond in #84
- Add upload of installation script logs by @ccressent in #64
New Contributors
- @ccressent made their first contribution in #64
Full Changelog: v0.100.0-1276...v0.102.1-1311
This release packages v0.100.0-sumo-0.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- feat(windows): add -OpAmpApi option to install.ps1 by @fguimond in #73
- chore( drop workarounds for old collector versions by @swiatekm-sumo in #83
Full Changelog: v0.100.0-1276...v0.100.0-1282
This release packages v0.100.0-sumo-0-rc.0.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- 🔄 synced file(s) with Sanyaku/apps by @sumologic-sanyaku-apps in #82
- Add --opamp-api-url flag to unix install script by @echlebek in #76
Full Changelog: v0.99.0-1256...v0.100.0-1276
This release packages v0.99.0-sumo-0.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- Use the setup-go-faster github action by @echlebek in #77
- Fix setup-go-faster by @echlebek in #78
- feat: add support for rc versions by @kkujawa-sumo in #81
- Add windows binary signing CI stage by @echlebek in #80
New Contributors
- @echlebek made their first contribution in #77
- @kkujawa-sumo made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: v0.98.0-1200...v0.99.0-1256
This release packages v0.99.0-sumo-0-rc.2.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- Use the setup-go-faster github action by @echlebek in #77
- Fix setup-go-faster by @echlebek in #78
- feat: add support for rc versions by @kkujawa-sumo in #81
- Add windows binary signing CI stage by @echlebek in #80
New Contributors
- @echlebek made their first contribution in #77
- @kkujawa-sumo made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: v0.98.0-1200...v0.99.0-1255
This release packages v0.99.0-sumo-0-rc.0.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- Use the setup-go-faster github action by @echlebek in #77
- Fix setup-go-faster by @echlebek in #78
- feat: add support for rc versions by @kkujawa-sumo in #81
- Add windows binary signing CI stage by @echlebek in #80
New Contributors
- @echlebek made their first contribution in #77
- @kkujawa-sumo made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: v0.98.0-1200...v0.99.0-1253
This release packages v0.99.0-sumo-0-rc.2.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- Use the setup-go-faster github action by @echlebek in #77
- Fix setup-go-faster by @echlebek in #78
- feat: add support for rc versions by @kkujawa-sumo in #81
- Add windows binary signing CI stage by @echlebek in #80
New Contributors
- @echlebek made their first contribution in #77
- @kkujawa-sumo made their first contribution in #81
Full Changelog: v0.98.0-1200...v0.99.0-1249
This release packages v0.98.0-sumo-0.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- ci: fix msi workflow artifact name by @swiatekm-sumo in #69
- ci: add version annotations to workflow by @swiatekm-sumo in #70
- ci: add message containing app version to release tags by @swiatekm-sumo in #71
- ci: fix release tag creation by @swiatekm-sumo in #72
- ci: fix release tag user data by @swiatekm-sumo in #74
- ci: create a git ref for the annotated release tag by @swiatekm-sumo in #75
Full Changelog: v0.97.0-1135...v0.98.0-1200
This release packages v0.97.0-sumo-1.
The changelog below is for the package itself, rather than the Sumo Logic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector.
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump robinraju/release-downloader from 1.9 to 1.10 by @dependabot in #65
- ci: import macos code signing certs using custom script by @swiatekm-sumo in #66
- ci: use github-cli to fetch collector version by @swiatekm-sumo in #67
- fix(install): Update the generated configuration for the otel collector in the packaging repository by @rnishtala-sumo in #68
New Contributors
- @rnishtala-sumo made their first contribution in #68
Full Changelog: v0.97.0-1101...v0.97.0-1135