SoftwareSerial Plugin for ESPEasy mega
- This plug in is based on a plugin written by immi/amunra/chons
- Parts of the plugin are derived from _P149_MHZ19.ino
- numbering from (132 is not used,
- therefore changed from 130 to 132)
- The Code was changed on 12.12.2020 to use ESPSerial to reduce footprint in flash
- Logging was introduced with DEBUG and DEBUG_DEV level
- With Debug you see initialization and data flowing
- With Debug_Dev you see also connection from telnet or no connection
- This plugin enables a software serial port on ESP8266 to a WiFi network
- (similar to _P020_Ser2Net, but uses different pins and therefore softwareserial).
- devicepin1 - is RX for ESP8266
- devicepin2 - is TX for ESP8266
- version: 0.2 04/04/2018 PeMue
- version: 0.5 12/12/2020 Stefanru -> FHEM Forum
Build with VCode and Platformio on Version Release mega-20201130 without issues. Tested with FotoLED to get digital current meter output.
Two small adaptions in _P020_Ser2Net.ino where necessary. Line 254: delay(1) -> delay(0) Line 14: #define P020_BUFFER_SIZE 128 -> #define P020_BUFFER_SIZE 256