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spuds edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 1 revision



The createList() class takes an array of values and produces input and display forms with the supplied data.

The array that createList() accepts:

  • id - mandatory, an id to identify the list

  • columns - mandatory, an associative array of columns, the key of each column must be unique (of course) the value is an array of values:

    • sort - optional, an associative array that holds the rules to sort the column, it can contain:
      • default - mandatory, the default sorting rule
      • reverse - mandatory, the reverse sorting rule
    • header - mandatory, an associative array describing the header of the column, it can contain the following indexes:
      • eval - optional (alternative to value), php code that will be passed to the php function eval
      • value - optional (alternative to eval), a value (usually a string) that will be displayed as column header
      • class - optional, a css class to use for the header of the column
      • style - optional, a css style to use for the header of the column
      • colspan - optional, a number that will be used for the colspan attribute of the header;
    • data - mandatory, an associative array that holds the information to display the information, it can contain:
      • db - optional (alternative to db_htmlsafe, sprintf, function, eval, value), the easiest way, a value straight from the database
      • db_htmlsafe - optional (alternative to db, sprintf, function, eval, value), similar to db, but make the value HTML safe
      • sprintf' - optional (alternative to db, db_htmlsafe, function, eval, value), uses vsprintf to prepare the value, it must be in the form of an associative array containing:
        • params - mandatory, pairs of values: the key holds the string to be used as parameter of vsprintf and the value is a boolean that defines if the key must be html safe or not.
        • format - mandatory, the format of the string (the first parameter of vsprintf).
      • function - optional (alternative to db, db_htmlsafe, sprintf, eval, value), a php function that returns the value that should be displayed
      • eval - optional (alternative to db, db_htmlsafe, sprintf, function, value), code that is passed to the php eval function
      • value - optional (alternative to db, db_htmlsafe, sprintf, function, eval), a literal value
      • if none from db, db_htmlsafe, sprintf, function, eval, value is present an empty string will be displayed
    • comma_format - optional, boolean if true the value is passed to the function comma_format
    • timeformat - optional, boolean if true the value is passed to the function timeformat
    • class - optional, a css class to use for the column
    • style - optional, a css style to use for the column
  • data_check - optional an associative array, the key can be class or style, the value is a function that checks the value and return a class or a style to be used at the row (tr) level of the table.

  • items_per_page - optional (mandatory if get_count or base_href are present), the number of items to show in each page of the table

  • get_count - optional an associative array that allows find the number of elements of the list, it can contain the following parameters:

  • file - optional a file (including path) to include

  • function - mandatory, the function that counts the elements and return the value

  • params - optional, an array of parameters that will be passed to the function

  • base_href - optional (mandatory if items_per_page is present), the href to be user to construct the page index

  • get_items - mandatory, an associative array that allows find the values of elements of the list, it can contain the following parameters:

  • file - optional a file (including path) to include

  • function - mandatory, the function that returns the values of the elements

  • params - optional, an array of parameters that will be passed to the function

  • title - optional, the title of the table

  • start_var_name - optional, the starting variable name (not so sure)

  • default_sort_col - optional, the default column used to sort the table

  • width - optional, the width of the table

  • request_vars - optional, an associative array of values that can be taken from $_REQUEST to define the sorting (no idea what I'm writing), it can contain:

  • sort - optional, a $_GET variable name that define the column to sort

  • desc - optional, a $_GET variable name to define if the column should be sorted ascending or descending

  • form - optional, an associative array of data to create a form, it can contain:

  • hidden_fields - optional, an associative array in the form $key => $value that will be translated in hidden fields where $key will be the name of the field and $value the value (it contains by default the session data).

  • token - optional, a token name to be included as hidden field of the form

  • include_start - optiolnal, boolean, if true include the starting page as hidden field (requires start_var_name)

  • include_sort - optional, booloean, if true add the parameter so that sorting remains the same after submitting

  • no_items_label - optional, a string to show when there are no items in the list

  • no_items_align - optional, value for the HTML property align (left, right, center, justify)

  • additional_rows - optional, an associative array or arrays that can contain HTML elements to be presented in different places on the list (supported positions are: top_of_list, after_title, above_column_headers, below_table_data, bottom_of_list), the position is the index of the associative array, than each array inside a certain position can contain:

  • value - mandatory, the HTML that will be inserted in the specified position

  • class - optional, the name of a css class to style the element

  • style - optional, a css in-line style that will be applied to the element

  • javascript - optional, raw javascript that will be inserted at the end of the list

  • list_menu - optional, an associative array that holds all the data to create a menu:

  • show_on - optional, where the menu should be created (can be both, top, bottom)

  • style - mandatory, can be button or tabs

  • position - mandatory, the position of the tabs/buttons, it can be left or right (default is left)

  • links - mandatory, an array of associative data with the information to create the menu:

  • is_selected - mandatory, boolean, true if the menu item is selected

  • href - mandatory, the url to be used for the menu

  • label - mandatory, the name of the menu



Functions and Variables

  • About $user_info variable
  • About the createList() function.
  • About [Template Layers](Template layers).
  • About [is_activated](is activated) values.


  • [Create a theme](Make a new theme)
  • [Create an Addon](Create an Addon)


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