UI/UX Improvements and more
- Added a welcome message that is shown when using the extension for the first time #47
- Added a message pointing to the changelog when the extension gets updated
- Added a short in-editor walkthrough for the extension #47
- Added a view container that houses all views added by the extension #45
- Added a "Dashboard" view that shows a list some of the main commands you can execute, so you don't have to look through the command palette #46
- Integrated the Rusty Witcher 3 Debugger CLI tool into the extension client #4
- Added "Vanilla Scripts" view. It displays the source tree of vanilla scripts (content0) and allows for peeking and importing vanilla scripts from the level of the view. #42
- Added "Contents" view. It displays script packages known to the content graph - its metadata and files it is associated with. When extension is active, but there are no script projects in the workspace it displays a welcome message with buttons for creating and initializing a project #22
- Added context menu items for comparing modded script with vanilla to file explorer and editor views
- Added context status bar item displaying name of the currently worked on script project. Clicking the item shows the command palette of all available WIDE commands #12
- Added work status bar item displaying the current background work being done on the language server. The item is hidden when there is no work being done currenly #12
- Added analysis for local var declaration placement
- Fixed contextual syntax analysis not working for events
- Added "Open extension logs" command
- Added "Open extension settings" command
- Added commands to launch the game
- Added "Recompile game scripts" command
- Added "Execute console command" command
- Added a setting to describe a prefered way of launching the game host for testing (standalone with debug args, REDkit, auto)
- Added a setting for the IP address of the game host
- Added a setting for the number of threads allocated to Rayon's parallel data processing
Other changes
- Error message after failing to import vanilla scripts now points to extension logs
- Added "UI Elements" section to the "Editor" page
- Updated some videos on the "Editor" to better reflect modern way of doing things in WIDE
- Renamed "Editor" page to "Editor Features"
- Added a disclaimer for using "content0" as the dependency for projects on the "Project System" page
- Moved the REDkit section closer to the beginning on the "Project System" page
- Rewrote "Getting started" page to point to and present the new built-in tutorial
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.0