v1.0.2 Release Candidate
Welcome to the release candidate for v1.0.2! This version introduces customization options for visuals, along with various bug fixes and improvements. We're excited to share these updates with you and anticipate a smooth transition to the final release.
- Implemented full color customization.
- Introduced a new "Visuals" tab for customizing visual elements.
- Fixed issue preventing setting Discord Webhook URL due to a regular expression problem.
- Fixed the "Recursive Usage" setting not being applied.
- Added animation to the "Exit" button.
- Introduced the "-noui" argument, which prevents JavaFX from starting up and the GUI from launching, thus saving resources.
Binary Details
Filename: NitroGenerator-1.0.2_RC.jar
This comprehensive jar file is the default choice for most users. It's a "fat jar" that bundles all the necessary dependencies, ensuring a seamless experience right out of the box.
Filename: NitroGenerator-1.0.2_RC-thin.jar
The "thin jar" is made for advanced users who prefer to manage dependencies independently. It does not include the required dependencies, which must be configured manually.