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A minimal version of MyAnimeList built with Vue using the JIKAN API to visualize upcoming anime and manga, as well as their details.

You can access the live web app here: Mini-MAL-Vue Web App

This project was generated with Vue version 3.3.11.


My motivation was to learn Vue with the Composition API by building an application that uses a public API to view the details of anime and manga, similar to MyAnimeList.

What I've learned

  • Using Vue with the Composition API
  • Utilizing the PrimeVue component library
  • Implementing data fetching with Vue Query (tanstack/vue-query)

What I've used

  • Vue
  • TypeScript
  • Vue Query (tanstack/vue-query)
  • PrimeVue
  • PrimeFlex

How to run

Run the following command: docker compose up

Development server

Run npm run dev for a development server. Navigate to http://localhost:5173/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.