- Added AntiCheatDector Module.
- Added FontManager UI.
- Added (Custom) FontManager.
- Added RenderAimPointBox option for KillAura.
- Added AntiCheat detect in watermark.
- Added watermark element.
- Added check Java version at start.
- Added Grizzly & matrix anticheat detect
- Added new hud visuals
- Added notifications color mode.
- Added Miniblox disabler.
- Added expanded Velocity range.
- Added HotKeys element.
- Added new fonts.
- Added KillAura GenerateClicksBasedOnDistance option.
- Added attack event notifier.
- Added notifier drink alert.
- Added Font FIleFilter.
- Added value owner.
- Added color value use client theme utils.
- Added Git properties update 2.4.0 to 2.4.2.
- Added AltManager move up/move down
- Added DrawRectOnTitle option for ScoreboardElement, optional edge rounding options for rectangles.
- Added category icons as I am planning on upgrading the default HUD look.
- Added merged item notifier in notifier module.
- Added scaffold telly ticksuntilrots range could be useful to bypass ac by randomizing.
- Added FrostBlur suboption to TargetHUD.
- Added Improved range value options handling.
- Added jump circles not texture mode / cleanup.
- Added frost shader.
- Added arraylist better look - icons & improvisations.
- Added intave mode - anticheat detector.
- Added time in notification.
- Added polar/notification AntiCheatDetector.
- Added better detect in modes AntiCheatDetector.
- Added scoreboard element now can expand from the right side if left horizontal side is chosen.
- Added better keystroke default settings.
- Added keystrokes shrink + border options.
- Added invcleaner shears & tnt slot sort.
- Added blockstoeagle & maxsneakticks range.
- Added Outline Rect in FDPDropdown/roundedRectRadius option.
- Added tabgui/scoreboard corners & icons options.
- Added color rgba in settingcomponent.
- Added text value in setting components improvements.
- Added ClickGUI Text Editor functionality: Simplified text and color picker configuration; Expanded options using right-click on color name (hex text); R-G-B-A options navigation using up/down arrow keys.
- Added hotkey color mode / padding.
- Added Configurable.isExpanded.
- Added f*cker module improvement: Works perfectly when moving around; Hypixel mode break block above the bed then the bed regardless of position; Surroundings mode doesn't constantly switch to breaking a new block if the last target isnt obstructed or out of range.
- Added New rotation randomization pattern mode LazyFlick + MinRotationDifferenceResetTiming option (dedicated to polar anticheat).
- Backtrack freezing when condition isn't met.
- Armor color in armoritems vertical /also thanks xitado.
- RotationSettings ResetTicks condition.
- Remapper issues.
- Editor panel nullpointerexc.
- Switch language freezing.
- Rotation settings missed in NoFall MLG and NoRotateSet.
- flight -> fly.
- Duplicated rotation settings in Scaffold.
- True positions not updating when target is out of screen.
- Options in NoRotateSet.
- ByteBuffer flip calls causing issues on non Java 8 versions.
- AngleResetDifference option not being visible in NoRotateSet.
- Few settings not working / ForwardTrack causing NPE during render.
- Tabgui random nonsense.
- Fixes in layout.
- Fonts issues.
- Fixed Wrong font download.
- Fixed Reverted circle smoothness because the point mode does not adjust properly to game scaling.
- Fixed Anticheat detect only in new world.
- Fixed Github artifact@v4.
- Fixed Addall cleanup.
- Fixed Hat making hotbar blocks overlap amount texts.
- Fixed Nameprotect handle in watermarker.
- Fixed StackOverFlow from NoRotationDisabler option from Disabler.
- Fixed KillAura not working when Fucker is enabled and player is close to own bed.
- Fixed Adapt Fonts old version JSON format.
- Fixed Fix shadow in imagebutton.
- Fixed Excluded values in Configurable.values
- Fixed Notification debug
~ Refactored Icon local.
~ Refactored Proper implementation for air/ground ticks.
~ Refactored Value system, Kotlin 2.0.21.
~ Refactored Check domain on scoreboard title & snakegame cleanup.
~ Refactored Recode eagle maxsneaktime.
~ Refactored Applied back red formatting.
~ Refactored Fucker cleanup code.
~ Refactored Java detection only for first start.
~ Refactored ClickGUI Panel
~ Refactored Improve downloads: fix StaffDetector incorrect use, preload SRG remapper file, HTTP code cleanup.
~ Refactored ClickGUI Panel
~ Chores: Small Scaffold Cleanup; Altmanager chinese translation & translation button/text; Tower cleanup; update build.gradle - remove implementation alias; Min/Max variables replaced with ranged values. Should free up like 2% of screen space.
~ Chores: Applied back red formatting.
~ Refactored Recode eagle maxsneaktime
~ Refactored Value System: Kotlin 2.0.21
~ Refactored Panel
~ Refactored ArrayListBetter Look
~ Refactored Cleanup mainmenu / fix background / changelog/bugs message
~ Refactored Cleanup quittbutton
~ Refactored Cleanup HitBubles
~ Refactored Cleanup antifireball
~ Refactored Cleanup effects / modern mode / color mode / background mode / fixes in borders
~ Refactored Cleanup anticheatdetector
~ Refactored ArrayList Icon
~ Refactored Color Modes in Notifications and Fixed styles
~ Refactored Reverted circle smoothness because the point mode does not adjust properly to game scaling.
~ Refactored Improve downloads: fix StaffDetector incorrect use, preload SRG remapper file, HTTP code cleanup.
~ Refactored Proper implementation for air/ground ticks.
~ lombok from 1.18.34 to 1.18.36.
What's Changed
- chore(deps): bump org.projectlombok:lombok from 1.18.34 to 1.18.36 by @dependabot in #1281
Full Changelog: b12...b13