Training a custom object detection model in Tensorflow and Building an IOS app with Google Cloud Platform
Object Detection. Swift. Tensorflow. Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
A basic front app for detecting Australian spiders.
- Data Collection: data_process folder contains two crawler python file, Flickr image crawler and google image crawler.
- Data Notation: Once got the dataset, draw the bounding box and and get xml file for each of the images using Labelimg.
- Generate Test and Train TFRECORD files: Split the dataset into two groups, test and train. Modifying and running the in data_process folder to get two CSV files, test.csv and train.csv. And then modifying and running the as well to get corresponding .record files.
- Create label map Create a .pbtxt file list all the classes name and format as below:
- Select a pre-trained model and Modify .config file Select a pre-trained model from detection_models and the corresponding .config file samples/configs.
- Clone the repo models. Put the dataset, .tfrecord files, pre-trained model, and training/(label_map.pbtxt and .config) in the folder of models/research/object_detection/legacy/. Modify num_classes, train_input_path, eval_input_path and label_map_path in the .config file.
- Start training:
python --logtostderr --train_dir=YOURPATH/training/ --pipeline_config_path=YOURPATH/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config
Running the in the foler of models/research/object_detection:
python \
--input_type encoded_image_string_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path /YOURPATH/pipeline.config \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix /YOURPATH/model.ckpt-YOUR_CHECKPOINT \
--output_directory /YOUR_OUTPUT_PATH/
Create a new project in GCP
Create a folder model/ in the storage of GCP. Put the saved_model.pb file from previously exported model path into the model/ directory.
- Follow the instructions and install the gcloud command here
- Create a gcloud ml-engine model:
gcloud ml-engine models create MODEL_NAME
- Show the models list:
gcloud ml-engine models list
- Deploy the model:
gcloud ml-engine versions create v1 --model=MODEL_NAME --origin=gs://BUCKET_NAME/model --runtime-version=1.12(tensorflow_running_version)
Setup Firebase project
Setup firebase project linking to your GCP project. And follow the instructions to connect the firebase with your IOS project.
- Install nvm
- Install Firebase CLI
- Run
npm install
from the /firebase/functions/ directory. - Update the params in index.js file with the name of your Cloud project and ML Engine model.
- Run
firebase deploy --only functions
- Once deployed successfully, you can found a cloud function created in the GCP.
- Create a images/ directory in the storage.
- Upload a test image to images/ directory.
- If successful, the results of prediction id and confidence will be saved in the Firebase database and the outlined image will be stored in outline_img/ in the storage.