👋 Hi, I’m SINGO Yao Dieu Donné!
I am passionate about creating innovative solutions in web development, application programming, and artificial intelligence. I enjoy turning ideas into real, impactful projects. -
👀 What interests me:
I'm deeply interested in building functional and creative websites, applications, and experimenting with AI technologies. My focus is on learning and improving every day! -
🌱 What I’m currently learning:
I am growing my skills in:- Java for robust backend systems
- PHP for dynamic web applications
- Python for data processing and AI projects
- JavaScript for interactive websites
- HTML & CSS to design and structure modern web pages
💞️ What I’m looking to collaborate on:
I’m excited to work on:- Website development projects, especially HTML/CSS-based websites
- Projects with my friends at Binasery School, where we love solving problems and building together.
📫 How to reach me:
You can connect with me via: -
😄 Pronouns:
He/Him -
⚡ Fun fact:
I once created a small AI that generates unique crosswords, combining my love for puzzles and programming! -
🚀 Let’s build something amazing together!
I am student in logicial developement. My Competence is html/css, Javascript, php, python
- TOGO, Région maritime, Ville Lomé
- in/singo-yao-dieu-donne