Teardown cheat inspired by modern game cheats.
Access the menu by pressing Insert in-game or through the pause menu.
- Feature List
- Objective ESP
- Optional ESP
- Valuable ESP
- Tool ESP
- Weapon Glow
- Active Glow
- Colored Fog
- Post Processing
- Spinny Tool
- Speed
- Spider
- Fly
- Noclip
- Floor Strafe
- Jetpack
- Jesus
- Quickstop
- Infinite Ammo
- Super Strength
- Godmode
- Slowmotion
- Skip Objective
- Disable Alarm
- Disable Robots
- Disable Physics
- Force Update Physics
- Teleport Valuables
- Unfair Valuables
- Structure Restorer
- Rubberband
- Teleport
- Explosion Brush
- Fire Brush
- Registry Explorer
Subscribe to the mod through Steam Workshop
Go to releases and unzip the latest build in your local mods folder.
Clone the repository into your local mods folder.
Console in ~/documents/teardown/mods/
git clone https://github.com/SigmaSkid/Tearware
or use github desktop.
Navigate to the github repository and run the pack python script. It creates a release folder containing the packaged code.