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Sidpatchy edited this page Aug 18, 2022 · 2 revisions

Ostrich has quite a few permissions and may not follow logical defaults for all use cases/reasons. It is not a bad idea to read about the defaults and why they have been set as such before using this plugin.

Base permissions

Permissions related to the basic functionality of the plugin.

Permission Node Description Default Reason for Default
ostrich.* Gives the player all permissions for Ostrich op
ostrich.command Allows the player to use /ostrich everyone Allow players to access basic info
ostrich.reload Allows the player to use /ostrich reload none
ostrich.bypass.* Bypasses all ostrich restrictions. none
ostrich.bypass.flight Allows users to bypass ALL flight restrictions using /ostrich bypass flight none
ostrich.bypass.elytra Allows users to bypass ALL elytra restrictions using /ostrich bypass elytra none

Related to GriefPrevention

Permissions related to GriefPrevention

Permission Node Description Default Reason for Default
ostrich.griefprevention.adminclaims.* Disable all restrictions in admin claims. none
ostrich.griefprevention.adminclaims.flight Allows the player to fly in an admin claim. none
ostrich.griefprevention.adminclaims.elytra Allows the player to use an elytra in admin claims. everyone Avoid potentially breaking elytras for unsuspecting admins.
ostrich.griefprevention.requireClaimMembership.* Requires the player to have access permissions in a claim in order to use flight/elytra none
ostrich.griefprevention.requireClaimMembership.flight Requires the player to have access permissions in a claim to use flight. everyone Admins likely don't want all players to be able to fly in all claims.
ostrich.griefprevention.requireClaimMembership.elytra Requires the player to have access permissions in a claim to use elytra. none Avoid potentially breaking elytras for unsuspecting admins
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