This repository contains material relevant to the AI511 Machine Learning
If you find any bugs or wish to suggest any resources, feel free to mail us or raise a PR
- Watch this video recording on preprocessing and EDA before attempting your assignment
- Link for past year TA material
- Link for practice questions
- Link for past year course slides for ML and MML
- Check out Statquest for statistical concepts
- Check out Mostafa's course
- Luis Serrano -
Introduction to ML algorithms
- Learning From Data -
Caltech Course
- Statquest -
Statistical concepts
- Gilbert Strang -
Linear algebra
- CS229 Stanford -
- Tubingen Machine Learning -
Mathematics for ML + VR
- Krish Naik -
Hands-on videos
- Visually Explained -
Convex optimisation
- Jeff Heaton -
Deep learning in practice
- Computerphile -
Introduction to Data analysis
- Geeksforgeeks -
Blogs about ML
Primer on Ensemble methods
- GCloud -
Machine Learning on Google Cloud
- Valerio Velardo -
Deep Learning and AI in Audio
- Coding Lane -
Derivations and Mathematics
- m2cgen -
Convert your models into native code
- pandarallel -
Parallelise your pandas operations
- Eddie Jaoude -
TensorflowJS - project walkthrough