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Docker tutorial

Sasha Baranov edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

First you need a docker installed:

Second, you need to do something like this:

# <If you use OS X>
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox ship
eval "$(docker-machine env ship)" # should be done each time you use docker. Put this in .bash_profile
# </If you use OS X>

# Create your workdir
mkdir my-workdir
cd my-workdir

# Create git repo and get FairShip: 
git init
git submodule add
git commit -m "Initially add FairShip"

# Create docker container with workdir mounted (will take some time to download first time)
docker run -ti -v `pwd`:/input  anaderi/fairroot:latest

Now you have your container started and you are working inside it. (Prompt changes to bash-4.1#).

Build FairShip:

export FAIRSHIP=/input/FairShip
export PYTHONPATH=/input/FairShip/python:$PYTHONPATH
mkdir /output # store your output there
mkdir /input/FairShipRun
cd /input/FairShipRun/
cmake ../FairShip

Now you can work in my-workdir, change files in FairShipRun and commit them to git:

# ...Make some changes...

# (outside container)
git add FairShipRun
git commit -m "Updated FairShipRun"

Important: all files generated by your code(.root and other) should be stored in /output.

You'll need to create repository on github for your code and push your changes there:

# (outside container)
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

After you tested your code inside container, you can mail us

  1. Your repository
  2. Commandline to execute your code


If you have any questions you can also ask them on this mailing list.

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